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Kierre aloitti playtime

playtime 222
Calling anyone who owns any one of the boxings of this kit and a scanner. I've glued my wings together without opening the holes for the pylons. I would be very grateful if someone could scan the back of the kit part, either D1 or D2, and send me the pic?
Tornado GR Mk.1
Hasegawa 1:72
04028 (K28) 1989 Uusi työkalu
10 February 2017, 18:37
playtime 222 kirjailija
Bump. Well... any scan of a wing with the 2 pylon holes in? I can scale it down.
 12 February 2017, 13:21
Sorry playtime I can't help, but when I did this a while ago, I found that shining a very bright light through the wing made the drill points visible. If you have tried that, at least this will bump your post to the top
 12 February 2017, 16:34
playtime 222 kirjailija
I'll give that a go too. Got a really bright LED.
 13 February 2017, 09:39
playtime 222 kirjailija
Not bright enough apparently! May have to take it apart and clean up any mess. What's the solvent for this again - liquid cemented pieces - brake fluid?
 15 February 2017, 10:35
playtime 222 kirjailija
I'm reading here ( that cutting is my only real option...
 15 February 2017, 10:37
That's a shame, maybe the plastic is thicker than the kit it did it on. Good luck.
 15 February 2017, 10:41

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