Kierre aloitti Neuling

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125 26 February 2019, 09:31

Something new from our Neuling! Superb, the canvas on the smaller car looks very nice and i love the smoking guy lying around!
26 February 2019, 09:44

Awesome Neuling.. Your Dios are absolutely inspiring and a joy to watch 👍
26 February 2019, 09:46

wie immer sehr geil geworden. 👍 ich habe allerdings keine ahnung wie du das zeitlich hin bekommst!? 😄
27 February 2019, 16:32

Wieder super; nur finde ich den rost auf den Kotflügel etwas heftig 😉
27 February 2019, 21:51

Dont know how i missed this wonderful dio. Very well done 👍. Nice photos too8)
27 February 2019, 22:25

Again a very good Diorama. But in one picture you´ve the wrong backround. Cologne in the back with a french street sign in the front. ;-D
28 February 2019, 12:21

Well the sign says 30 km à l'heure. Clearly not German but French. So is it really Cologne ? Cologne was pretty much in ruin at that time. Could it be Strasbourg ?
28 February 2019, 17:21

Thank you mates! I`m glad you watched my pictures! --- Andreas if I really were "Miniature Rembrandt" (as Robert kindly suggests) I would say the hands in my manufacture built the dios, while I myself added only a few final brush strokes. In fact I am only "Miniature Neuling" and have to make all the builds with my own hands and eyes. As I am rather a slowhand it all takes its time. That`s why not all of my albums show new builds. The album "Road accident" is my latest build indeed, finished 2 weeks ago. The previously shown albums "Winter games 1944" and "After the storm" were built more than 20 years ago. I have written exact dates in the project description. --- Olivier solved the riddle: As always I photographed the diorama in my garden, overlooking my hometown of Regensburg. What you actually see on the picture is the Gothic Regensburg cathedral which is a little smaller than the Cologne cathedral. The Regensburg cathedral is a copy of the famous French cathedrals. So I imagined the story of my dio taking place near a French city with a Gothic church in the fall of 1944. Arne and Olivier I appreciate your attentive watching of and thinking about my work.
28 February 2019, 18:47

Really Regensburg?! Didn't know that there is such a big Cathedral.
28 February 2019, 18:52

@Neuling My birthtown has the Michaelischurch as UNESCO World Heritage. Google it, if you want to know which City.
28 February 2019, 19:45

Hallo Arne it`s Hildesheim! Den Fotos nach zu schließen eine sehr schöne Kirchenanlage.
28 February 2019, 19:53

Yep, Hildesheim. Es gibt da die Michaeliskirche, die Andreaskirche und den Dom. Alles sehr schöne Kirchen.
1 March 2019, 07:16

I wish I had the skills and patience to make this kind of work, truly amazing! Great job Neuling!
5 June 2019, 06:33

Chris you shure have the skills (as your builds show) and patience is not required indulging in a passion! And - important for me - there is life outside the box: sports, reading, music and travel. A good combination is listening to the radio while working on a build.
6 June 2019, 10:18

Almost looks like the tragic crash (there are no accidents) that took the life of General Patton. You are obviously skilled, I for one, would love to see that scene memorialized in scale. What do you guys think?
25 July 2019, 10:24

Thanks Anthony, Mirko and Michal! Paul is right: Reenacting Patton`s deadly crash would be an appropriate project for Anthony. My little story tells of a British animal rights activist avoiding the sheep crossing the street and hitting the telegraph pole. Fortunately he survives and suffers only a commotio cerebri enabling him to smoke his cigaret while his American comrades take care of his car.
26 July 2019, 15:43

Bloody hell I'm blown away by that! The 'sunshine' pix are just astoundingly good, excellent work 😉
27 July 2019, 08:21

Very nice dio! Nice details and i love the grass work. How was the Mirror model?Some of them are nightmare...
24 March 2024, 19:01

Reminds me of a scene from the movie "Battle of the Bulge" (Richard Widmark).
25 March 2024, 21:36

Many thanks, mates! Glad you like my album. - Laliscale, the wrecker was not a fun build. The plastic material was of inferior quality and did not get hard after being glued together. I reinforced the chassis and suspension with an additional structure drilling holes and sticking in small metal rods. It worked. As long as it´s invisible I don´t care much about it. Main thing is: The model looks realistic. - Gary, right now I´m working on a Hemtt wrecker. Slow, slow, slow. - Desert Marlin, I really should see this movie again.
26 March 2024, 08:08

Fantastic work of art. I browse through the photos here, marveling at the many details and the way they are worked out. This is an album I will be looking at more often.
12 April 2024, 13:19

Thanks a lot Pietro and Desert Marlin. Praise from top modellers. 🙂
16 April 2024, 14:47

Thanks mates! - Dave, this guy tried to avoid the sheep crossing the street and hit the pole. Animal rights movement ............ probably no alcohol involved . 🙂
19 April 2024, 09:28

Another Neuling special! I don't know how you keep making these gems - but don't stop!
19 April 2024, 18:00

Dave, the sheep has testified for the driver 🙂 - CaptGPF, this diorama is an older one, only the photos are new. Thank you!
22 April 2024, 09:00

You know, I have been racking my brain trying to figure out who your models remind me of and it occurred to me- Francois Verlinden. The style of weathering, the posing, and the subdued light of your outdoor shots all point to him at his best. So many of your models remind me of an Italeri catalogue from the late seventies, when he did all the photos. I remember as a teenager marveling at the realistic appearance of the models and settings. Always get a nice feeling looking at your albums.
28 October 2024, 11:04

Stephan, you are right. Verlinden's publications and products brought me from toyland to modelworld. A pity, his stuff was pretty expensive, so I tried to scratchbild as much as possible. And I did not stop learning, from scalemates for example chipping.
31 October 2024, 07:55

Another diorama, to peruse. Love the the detail work on the figures, but the canvas on the Tilly' 👌 Spot on mate. 🤘🥸👍
2 November 2024, 09:27

Second Kim, somehow missed this one. Intersting subject, very nicely crafted and great presentation!
6 November 2024, 18:06