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Kierre aloitti gorby

lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
120 27 April 2019, 09:08
Wim van der Luijt
Wow! that is an epic project, just had a look a your build post.....very nice! There is one 1:48 A7V on the market, but your looks better, much better....

 27 April 2019, 09:19
Another masterpiece.
There is an A7V in Australia.
We Aussies are good at pinching, I mean acquiring things
 27 April 2019, 09:25
gorby kirjailija
Thanks mates. 🙂
Wim: I wasn't impressed with the Gasoline range either and certainly not impressed with the prices. Mine cost probably 1/3 of what that kit cost and I enormously enjoyed the built – probably more so than any kit I've ever done.

Wilky: At least the Aussies had the sense to save one – I'm glad they did.
 27 April 2019, 09:44
We have the only original 262 also
 27 April 2019, 10:52
Rui S
Beautifully amazing 👍
Umbeliveble scratch work.
Not my scale but I'M without words. Incredible
 27 April 2019, 11:49
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Rui. Coming from one of the best armour modellers on here, that means a lot. 🙂
 27 April 2019, 12:10
Angel Yovtshev
Amazing, Gorby!
Hat off to you!
 27 April 2019, 12:10
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Angel. 🙂
Not anywhere near your league, just the first steps.😉
 27 April 2019, 12:34
Alec K
Holy s#*t Gorby. This is AmazIng! I am about halfway done reading the brexit thread and... the rivets, THE RIVETS!!! Very educational, and definitely very entertaining. Not surprised you left this boring lot for the "others"😉 😄. I am starting a scratchbuilding project myself, but it will be of kinder garden variety compared to your undertaking. Cheers 👍
 27 April 2019, 13:10
Nathan Dempsey
Wow, impressive work Gorby. The build log on Brexit is awesome. I'm going to use that rivet idea for sure! Oh and I did get the Kryten reference. I saw an episode filmed!
 27 April 2019, 14:01
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much mates!😉
The rivets were far from the most enjoyable part of the build but these early tanks would look naked without them. I'll look forward to your scratch-build Alec, no doubt it will be astounding.
 27 April 2019, 15:42
Rui S
Thank you for your nice words gorbygould, but I think they're a bit exaggerated. I've still a lot to learn with Mates here, including with you 🙂
 28 April 2019, 13:38
gorby kirjailija
With forums like this, there is always something new to learn - if you want to. 🙂
 28 April 2019, 16:34
Rui S
Yes, I agree 🙂 Wise words
 28 April 2019, 20:52
Impressive work!
 29 April 2019, 16:24
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Neuling. 🙂
 29 April 2019, 18:40
Scott Dutton
Beautiful work, just finished one in 35th but doesn't compare well done
 2 May 2019, 11:32
Bart Goesaert
beautiful work.. only thing that comes to mind is the floating of the tank on the barbwire... but very, very nice build and groundwork...
 2 May 2019, 12:00
Tim Heimer
Nice work!
 2 May 2019, 13:09
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much mates. 🙂
Scott: I was well impressed with your build and I referred to your photos to help with mine, so thanks.
Bart: Yes that bugs me as well. I did put a load of lead inside the tank, but it isn't heavy enough to weigh it down sufficiently. I'm going with the experimental super extra heavy-duty barbed wire excuse.😉
 2 May 2019, 13:14
Bart Goesaert
add some treeroot underneeth?
 2 May 2019, 13:18
gorby kirjailija
Good idea.
 2 May 2019, 17:47
Scott Dutton
If need any more photos let me know, colleague just sent some from his museum visit of the original wh9ch he is happy I can pass on
 2 May 2019, 20:56
gorby kirjailija
Thanks for the offer Scott but I've mentally moved on to my new project. 🙂
My workroom needs to be stripped and rebuild before that can start though. 🙁
 3 May 2019, 14:11
Tanks are not my metier, but this 100% scratched model is really impressive 😳 Very nice ideas in build report, and even the tracks are scratched 👍
 3 May 2019, 15:09
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Frank, your praise has made my day! 🙂
Up until this, tanks were of little interest to me, but I thoroughly enjoyed this build, probably more than any model I've ever done. It kept my brain working right to the end. I'm not saying that there will be no more aircraft from me, but there will certainly be more AFV in my near future. 👍
 3 May 2019, 15:44
Jean-Michel Tilquin
Wow! I missed this one, but the view from the trend is impressive, so real!
 5 July 2019, 17:19
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Jean-Michel. I'm glad you like it. 🙂
 6 July 2019, 17:03
What a great job!!!! I knew I was missing some great builds in those months that I was out of SCM
 24 August 2019, 17:41
Superb job mate
 24 August 2019, 17:46
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Spanjaard!
 24 August 2019, 17:55
Dale Marston
Very Nice.
 30 October 2019, 23:46
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Dale 👍
 31 October 2019, 16:01
Wow! The only thing that is missing are terrified soldiers running for their lives!
 3 June 2024, 19:12
Pietro De Angelis
Stunning job, congrats!
 3 June 2024, 19:30
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Capt & Pietro.
I would have loved to add some figures Capt, but certainly at the time this was built there were no WWI British troops available in 1/48.
 4 June 2024, 06:40
Well done! Again, hats off to your scratch building skills Too bad there are no pictures of the building process.
 4 June 2024, 08:11
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Bohrmann. 👍
I did do a full build report...on another site, a site which has now unfortunately died. It was only yesterday I removed the dead link to the report - I don't know if that pushed this post to the top of the feed, I though that just happened when you added more photos.
Thanks all for your comments and likes. 🙂
 4 June 2024, 08:19
Kesa Tiho
Breathtaking. Simply breathtaking
 11 August 2024, 10:18
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Kesa. This was my first full scratch build - I only built it because there wasn't many WWI vehicles or tanks in 1/48 at the time. It sort of got me hooked on scratch building. 🙂
 11 August 2024, 11:01
Kesa Tiho
Well man good for you. I assume scrach building is pretty hard so you've definitely outdone yourself. And with all the small details i assume you've got a pretty steady hand for a man your age (no offence ofcourse)
 11 August 2024, 11:30
gorby kirjailija
It's easier that you think Kesa, although it probably best if you start with adding small bits on kits.
 11 August 2024, 11:34
Guy Rump
Excellent job! congrats! 👍
 11 August 2024, 12:54
Jan Peters
That is a real fine job! 👍🏻👍🏻
 11 August 2024, 13:01
gorby kirjailija
Thanks mates. 👍
 11 August 2024, 13:07
Mark de Boer
Great job, looks amazing.
 11 August 2024, 16:00
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Mark. 🙂
 11 August 2024, 16:03
George Trainor
Looks absolutely tremendous
 11 August 2024, 16:03
gorby kirjailija
Thanks George. 👍
 11 August 2024, 16:12
Wonderful work !!
 11 August 2024, 18:14
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Lebloge.
 12 August 2024, 06:11
Randy Kriegel
 18 September 2024, 20:00
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Randy. 👍
 28 September 2024, 10:20
Mr James
Beautiful work. That camo paint and the weathering is top notch.
 28 September 2024, 10:22
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Mr James. 🙂
 28 September 2024, 17:09
Patrick van Veen
That looks amazing
 15 October 2024, 19:46
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Patrick. I was very pleased how it turned out.
 15 October 2024, 19:50
Alexander Grivonev
Wow, any chance of getting WiP pictures? Amazing 👍👍
 16 October 2024, 17:36
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Alexander.
There used to be a WiP on another site but that no longer exists. I've been asked a few times for some photos of the build so I if get a chance I'll post some - no promises though.
 16 October 2024, 18:27
gorby kirjailija
I've been asked on a few occasions to show some work in progress photos so as I've finally managed to get some I've added a few.
You should feel relieved I haven't posted every photo of the build and I've whittled the original, many thousand word essay into significantly shorter, easily forgettable segments. 🙂
 2 November 2024, 15:24
Pietro De Angelis
Literally "terrifying work",
congratulations Gorby,
especially for the spirit with which you faced it!
Admiration and respect...
 2 November 2024, 17:42
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Pietro.
It was very daunting when I started as it was my first full scratch-build, but I ended up really enjoying it. 🙂
 2 November 2024, 18:07
Mr D
Brilliant 👌 looks great, impressive 😀👍
 8 November 2024, 17:00
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Mr D. 🙂
 8 November 2024, 17:07
Sören Bartusch
Whow! Simply stunning
 14 November 2024, 07:35
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Soren. 🙂
 14 November 2024, 08:23
Djordje Nikolic
Hats off! Scratchbuilt and in my favorite scale!
 17 November 2024, 02:48
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Djordje. 1/48th was my favourite scale as well, which was the main reason I built my favourite scale is 1/72 and there is one in 1/72. That would have saved soooo much work. 😄 😄
 17 November 2024, 09:24
Djordje Nikolic
Yes, but I haven't seen this in 1/48 before and you did it so well! And scratch built means it's that much special. I don't check scalemates too often and I could have missed this gem.
 17 November 2024, 21:08
gorby kirjailija
Thanks again Djordje.
This was my first full scratch-build which I learned a hell of a lot from, so I am glad I went though with it. 🙂
 18 November 2024, 07:13
Zsolt Czegle
AWESOME! Hat off! 👍
 27 February, 07:25
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Zsolt. 🙂
 27 February, 07:44
Jeremias H
Super impressive scratch build!
 27 February, 12:18
Lorraine Lin
Sorry, I just noticed that this was done 100% from scratch. My highest respects!
1  27 February, 12:56
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Jeremias and Lorraine. Glad you like it. 🙂
 27 February, 13:24
Very nice! And really a smart way of making rivets, makes way more sense than stamping them into the material. Have you ever tried this method on a non-scratch build, and would you recommend it, or is it just way too much work?
 27 February, 13:44
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Moewe. I've only used this method on scratch builds. I bought a riveter and that certainly makes the process a lot quicker and easier. The double sided tape works but it makes the edges of the panels difficult to clean up. I've decided to experiment to see if I can find a glue which doesn't melt the rivets and yet give enough time to fine tune placement of the panel. I suspect something like a slower setting super glue would work.
 27 February, 14:17
I'm not sure if this suggestion makes sense, but have you tried UV-curing adhesives? You could place the rivets without any stress. Then again, I've never used it on models, so I couldn't tell you if it works.
 27 February, 14:30
gorby kirjailija
Thanks for the suggestion Moewe. I suspect it wouldn't work as I think the panel would block the UV light. Also I've already got too many bloody different glues as it is, surely I can get one of them to work. 😄
1  27 February, 14:53
Thomas E.
1  1 March, 09:25
Jennifer Franklin
congrats on an amazing scratch build. you did the subject justice.
1  1 March, 15:31
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Thomas & Jennifer.
I'm surprised this one keeps cropping up. 🙂
1  1 March, 15:35
Alec K
I am not!
 2 March, 01:57
Rui S
Me neither 😄 😎
 2 March, 02:00
gorby kirjailija
Nice of you to say that Alec & Rui. 🙂
 2 March, 06:57

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