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AREA 88 : "The Final Showdown - Part 3" (F-20 Tigershark)
All done but the tail marking decal... that's going to be tricky.
projekti: AREA 88 : "The Final Showdown - Part 3”
12 7 May 2019, 22:44

I had to do a bit of work to rescribe he panel trenches. Even after very careful glueing of the fuselage, they didn't even come close to matching up over the seam. Looks much better now.
16 May 2020, 23:22

Had to fight with the airbrush yesterday... so I think I'll need another coat of white paint.
18 May 2020, 01:59

Thanks guys. Masking those thin lines was a real pain, but hopefully it'll be worth it in the end.
25 May 2020, 09:03

Hi Greg. This project looks awesome but the whole collection is mind-blowing!! I'll be pulling up a chair whenever you're at the bench.
25 May 2020, 09:17

Thanks Gary, there's always plenty of room, so feel free to stretch out and make yourself comfortable. I'm getting close to done on the F-20, but his is a dual build with a F-18 Hornet. That one's been side-lined due to a missing canopy, but a kind soul on another forum sent me a replacement, so hopefully the whole thing will get back on track soon enough.
25 May 2020, 10:28

Love your work Greg, your projects always make thing about the comics, sadly they never finished the story.
1 June 2020, 14:58

Thanks Jeramy. I just really like trying to capture the essence of the scene off the comicbook pages. That's sort of why I include the artwork on the wooden bases... it makes me feel like it's jumping off the page and into my hands. 🙂
1 June 2020, 15:23

There are several 1/24 scale Area 88 figures that came boxed with the old Takara 1/100 boxes - - I started working on one of the Shin ones "off the side of the workbench".
1 June 2020, 23:26

Really sweet work. Small stuff like this really shows off your skill. Looks like the paint could be on a 1/32 scale plane.
2 June 2020, 21:35

Wow, Chris. That's some high praise indeed. I will say that I've put quite a bit of time into getting those tricky stripes painted well enough.
2 June 2020, 22:58

So, this half of the project is basically done. I still have to struggle a bit with Shin's "flaming unicorn" crest on the tail. Getting homemade decals on anything other than a white background is always tricky. Let's see if I can outfox it this time...
7 June 2020, 14:51

How about take the approach of start with a white tail and make a whole tail decal?
24 June 2020, 19:46

Thanks Matthew. The final pics ended up here -
29 June 2020, 16:49

Hi Greg, lm building one of these now in the Red n white like on the Revell 1:100 box art.
I think this is an old Arii kit.
Your album been a help thanks.
17 November 2024, 21:03

Thanks guys! I really love this little kit. I'm glad you find it useful, Mr D!
18 November 2024, 06:52