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Kierre aloitti Treehugger

Q: Does anyone know if this kit can be built into an Argentinian Skyhawk? Those don't have the hump back. Can't really tell from the manual, if there are unused parts to adequately replace the hump back on the model (apparently, there is a cavity near the tail fin, unsure if there is a part that fills that cavity).

I guess the decals for Argentinian military would have to be purchased separately.
A-4M Skyhawk [U.S.M.C. Attacker]
Hasegawa 1:48
07233 (PT33) 2004 Uudet osat
8 May 2019, 12:19
Holger Kranich
Hi Hugger, judging from the review, it is not possible to build it without the distinctive spine. But i am not 100% sure. We need a scooter freak now.
 8 May 2019, 12:56
Treehugger kirjailija
I agree. The hump back is a separate part, which is promising, but it is hard to tell if any of the extra unused parts will actually fill in the one missing piece up there up against the tail fin.
 8 May 2019, 12:59
Holger Kranich
There is only one part that could be the right one for you. But its a 50/50 chance.
 8 May 2019, 13:04
Nathan Dempsey
I have the Hasegawa A-4E and ot has parts for both the hump or without (PT21). Didnt Hasegawa make an Argentine variant? If you're making a Malvinas Scooter it's a B or C version that has a distinctive bump in front of the tail fin.
 8 May 2019, 13:15
Treehugger kirjailija
Looking at the pdf file for the A-4M kit again, it does look like part A13 is a nice fit for completing the tail fin and without the hump back. 🙂 It is a good match, size and shape.
 8 May 2019, 13:31
Holger Kranich
A 13 was the part, i was meaning. 👍 But as i said, i am not sure...
 8 May 2019, 13:40
Treehugger kirjailija
Another thing I think I've noticed, and I should really do some more research, is the top shape of the tail fin. This one has a rod of sorts sticking out. Also, something I strongly suspect has a optional part that matches the other Skyhawk variants. PDF file show that rod on top to be a separate part that is glued onto the top of the tail fin. I wonder if the canopy shape changes with the variants. I should try check that out as well.
 8 May 2019, 13:54
Nathan Dempsey
Holger - Part A13 is definitely the part that fills the gap when not using the hump.

Treehugger - top fin shape should be curved. This part is included in my kit on the A sprue. Canopy should match early variants and be slightly less bulged. This canopy is probably included in Hasegawa C model Skyhawks. The curved rod-like antennas on the side of the tail fin were resin parts in the Hasegawa special Argentine kit.
 8 May 2019, 15:36
Nathan Dempsey
Also B/C model Skyhawks had a much shorter nose.
 8 May 2019, 16:02
Yeah, no this is not the Skyhawk you are looking for to make into Argentinian one 🙂
 8 May 2019, 16:04
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Augie. I did forget to answer the original question LOL 🙂
 8 May 2019, 16:18
Treehugger kirjailija
Oh, shucks. Well, I'll look for something else then. :| But thanks for the feedback.
 8 May 2019, 17:33
Hehe no worries, I didn't realise I channelled Obi-Wan when I did lol
 8 May 2019, 20:26
Nathan Dempsey
Got me looking up Hasegawa C model Skyhawks on Ebay because I want to do a pair of Argentine Scooters myself. That special edition kit is going for a min of $100US!
 9 May 2019, 03:14
There are different types of argentinian skyhawks:
- Falklands era: A-4Q/P, based on early A-4B/C with specific antennas.
- Modern era: A-4AR, based on the A-4M, with a modified nose and specific radio/ECM antennas. A conversion set exists:
 9 May 2019, 07:06

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