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Kierre aloitti Woody

Łukasz Gliński
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
12 18 July 2013, 19:22
Alec K
Nice! Is this a little blast from the past?
 29 December 2024, 15:12
Łukasz Gliński kirjailija
Indeed it is, the old pics were too poor for a project cover photo 😉
1  29 December 2024, 18:01
Jennifer Franklin
How long ago did you do this one?
 30 December 2024, 14:29
Łukasz Gliński kirjailija
I didn't document the WiP by then, the oldest photos of the completed kit I have are from 2013, so it must have been then or even earlier.
I didn't have any airbrush by then for sure.
 30 December 2024, 17:41
Jennifer Franklin
 30 December 2024, 17:48
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 30 December 2024, 18:20
Greg Baker
You've come a long way Łukasz! 🙂
 30 December 2024, 18:21
Łukasz Gliński kirjailija
Thank you, well, waaay longer than since 2013 indeed 😄
Not many models left from the prehistoric, I mean pre-scalemates times in a single piece - e.g. USN Wildcat | Album by Woody (1:72)
 31 December 2024, 19:52

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