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Kierre aloitti gorby

lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
36 24 August 2019, 14:18
 24 August 2019, 15:00
That's fantastic!
My favourite Gerry Anderson TV prog back in the early 70's, such cool machines, the SHADO's, the Interceptors, even Strakers car
 24 August 2019, 15:10
Konrad -
Nice 👍
 24 August 2019, 16:30
Fantastic job gorbygould!!! I have to remember your gorbygamy technique!
 24 August 2019, 17:38
gorby kirjailija
I'm glad you like it, I'm quite pleased how it turned out.
Thanks for taking the time to comment. 🙂
 24 August 2019, 17:53
Kesa Tiho
That astronaut on the ground reminded me of something. I saw a clip from a movie about some war on the moon. It made me think about the fact that war on earth is bad enough but war in space is horrifying. When you get shot on earth you can hide in a ditch, take some rest, tend to your wound and either go back to base or into the fight. If you get shot in space and it penetrates your suit your done for, you just die, no amount of bandages can help you in the few seconds you have. The last thing you see is the vast emptiness of space and/or the person who killed you. Your body dosent even decompose into the earth. You just lay there till you get back to earth or incinerated. Wow, see gorby a good build makes a person think about more than what meets the eye, this build is a perfect example. It makes you think. 11/10
 14 October 2024, 18:12
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Kesa. That's an interesting point.
 14 October 2024, 18:44
Alec K
Very cool! No wip? 😢
 16 October 2024, 12:54
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Alec. There was a wip but unfortunately the site it was on disappeared. 🙁
 16 October 2024, 13:07
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Nice job 👍👍
 16 October 2024, 15:47
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Hans. 👍
 16 October 2024, 16:26
Mark Sherwood
UFO. One the best Gerry Anderson TV series. As far as world building and back story, intelligent scripts. Two things though the Moon Base Interceptors should of had cannons in case those humoungous missile's missed and Gabrielle Drake, fuelled a lot of fever dreams in my early teens. I could of been eleven though!
 17 October 2024, 00:41
gorby kirjailija
It seems we had a similar youthful love interest. 🙂
Thanks for the comment Mark.
 17 October 2024, 06:59
Mark Sherwood
You're welcome, Gorby. 👍
 17 October 2024, 08:37
Respect for the scratchwork!
 17 October 2024, 09:09
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Neuling. 🙂
 17 October 2024, 09:19
Very nice job gorby. Scratchbuilding is still a special discipline in modelling, one that you clearly master..
 17 October 2024, 11:41
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Bohrmann, with scratch-building I think I still have plenty to learn. 🙂
 17 October 2024, 15:05
Mr D
Brilliant 👍👍 nice fun model 👌
 30 October 2024, 21:50
gorby kirjailija
Thanks for your comment Mr D. 🙂
 31 October 2024, 07:39
Miguel Vaquero
That looks so clean Gorby. Amazing!
 31 October 2024, 08:41
 31 October 2024, 08:43
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Miguel & S B, I'm pleased you like it. 🙂
 31 October 2024, 08:51

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