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Kierre aloitti Michael M

Mick Markiewicz
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
41 kuvien
HMS BorageView album, image #1
projekti: HMS Borage
1:350 HMS Zinnia K98 (Mirage Hobby 350802)1:350 Flower Class Corvette (White Ensign Models PE35171)
19 20 October 2019, 17:04
Sven Schönyan
Don´t know how but I missed this. Wonderful build!
 21 May 2021, 15:08
I agree with Sven. 👍
 22 May 2021, 10:50
Very inspiring. I have the same in my stock. I would like to succeed as you.
 14 October 2024, 05:16
Mick Markiewicz kirjailija
I think that WEM kit might be hard to get now, unless you already have it.
 14 October 2024, 16:45
Unfortunately no.
 14 October 2024, 16:48

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