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d hadley
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
13 12 June 2020, 21:07
I'm not a really a car guy, but if you make this one levitate, I'll be watching...😉
 12 June 2020, 21:16
d hadley kirjailija
it'll levitate. i promise! stay tuned!
 12 June 2020, 21:17
René (Lord Bilbo) Bartholemy
 12 June 2020, 22:47
Chaz Gordon
I have to chuckle at AMT's box claim of "New Item" on a 1962 Tooled kit reboxed in 2002. However, looking forward to seeing this build,
1  12 June 2020, 23:28
Cool build
 29 April 2023, 00:19
d hadley kirjailija
Thank you!
 1 May 2023, 20:37
Tim Hofstetter
That's a wicked cute concept model. 😎
1  17 March, 23:23
d hadley kirjailija
Thanks Tim!
 18 March, 12:06
Tim Hofstetter
The chain tethers really make it work. 😎
1  18 March, 13:24
d hadley kirjailija
thanks! I need them to keep the car from spinning in circles when it levitates.
 18 March, 21:29
Tim Hofstetter
1  19 March, 11:52

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