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Kierre aloitti Frank Spahr

Frank Spahr
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
44 19 July 2020, 08:16
Dirk Scheffler
Nice little gem, of course Airfix. Great Dio.
 19 July 2020, 08:52
Rui S
Beautiful work. Very impressive and very well done 👍
 19 July 2020, 10:13
Guy Rump
Lovely dio and great modelling of a kit I remember from my childhood. 🙂
 19 July 2020, 11:34
Ingo F
Looks great! 👍
 19 July 2020, 11:35
Frank Spahr kirjailija
Thank you all a lot, folks!
 19 July 2020, 14:52
David Taylor
 19 July 2020, 14:55
Lochsa River
very nice....different for sure
 19 July 2020, 18:01
James C
Fantastic! 👍
 19 July 2020, 23:34
Frank Spahr kirjailija
Thanks a lot to everyone!
 20 July 2020, 03:50
Thomas Bischoff
Beautiful dio and excellent boat!
 20 July 2020, 04:08
Beautiful scene very well enacted. This water surface looks excellent.
 20 July 2020, 08:18
Amazing dio.
 20 July 2020, 09:07
Łukasz Gliński
It's a pure pleasure to look at it 👍
 20 July 2020, 10:16
Frank Spahr kirjailija
Thank you all a lot!
 20 July 2020, 17:56
Jan Peters
Beautiful work!
 7 December 2024, 17:10
Dieter Bihlmaier
Great work Frank!
 7 December 2024, 17:54
Shar Dipree
Great work!
 7 December 2024, 18:11
Frank Spahr kirjailija
Thanks a lot, everyone! I really am into these classic kits, as you can see ...
 7 December 2024, 20:09
Christian Lehmann
 7 December 2024, 20:10
Superb! How the heck did you do the rigging/antenna wire things?
 8 December 2024, 07:16
Michael Kohl
Excellently executed scene. Rigging is top too. I like it a lot.
 8 December 2024, 08:06
Sergio Ordonez
Impressive and awesome, mate! I bow my hat to you.
 8 December 2024, 11:24
Frank Spahr kirjailija
Thank you all - a LOT! There should be an image of the jig I made for the cage aerial. I made the circles from generic PE handwheels, with the spokes and centre cut out. The rest is a matter of aligning the "wires" properly on a jig and then gluing the circles between the "wires".
Look here: Building the Airfix Air Sea Rescue Launch | Album by Frank Spahr (1:72)
The technique I used was developed by Ulf Lundberg as mentioned in the caption of the image I have tried to link.
I think it looks quite all right in this scale, but I for one wouldn´t dare it in smaller scales as I feel that beyond my skills. Moreover, even if you work really delicately, the result tends to be more conspicuous than on photos of the real ships. But as always, your mileage may vary!
3  8 December 2024, 12:50
Michael Kohl
Danke für die links.
 8 December 2024, 13:53

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