Kierre aloitti Plastic Addict

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54 8 January 2021, 19:47

Here's the completed Red Wild Weasel! All fitted out to rain terror on the capitalist dogs. This was a thoroughly enjoyable build and I hope you enjoy the finish.
8 January 2021, 19:52

Very nice job with a lot of attention to the small details on the plane and ordnance 👍 I stand by my build comment that I especially like the upper grey/engine metal combination, that really hits the mark in tone and feeling for the Chinese Flankers!
Glad to hear you confirm the kit too - the results indicate it well enough. I think HB on its later jet molds makes a really good job on the surface panels. Catching the lining just fine, but thin and shallow enough to not look overblown in the end. Especially the underside of the wing on pic 9 - just the right amount of realistic accent.
8 January 2021, 20:14

Thanks Slavo & Daniel! 🙂
Slavo: I'd have to say this one was fairly straightforward build and mostly a breeze to finish. Any hiccups or errors you see are certainly my fault (the slight canopy alignment issue).
Daniel: Yes I really like the armament! It is what inspired the build for sure. Once I saw the YJ-91 (KH-31 copy) I knew I had to do a Wild Weasel.
Oh and a special thanks to the Trumpeter J-10 kit for providing the Chinese air-to-air missiles and the correct yellow numbers.
8 January 2021, 20:36

Just like Roland, very good reference build. Nice model Nathan, you can see the dedication in your craftsmanship...👍!
9 January 2021, 21:23

Awesome work Nathan! Love the weathering and paintwork too. The colorful Chinese markings really "POP" against the dark gray paint. Very appealing scheme choice, well done!
9 January 2021, 21:32

It looks amazing Nathan. The discoloration you've done to the paintwork is impressive. 👍
14 January 2021, 17:36

Thanks James!
I had decent pre-shading and the airbrush was treating me well when I laid down the grey.
14 January 2021, 19:09

Outstanding work! The weathering and panel lines look fantastic!
I have this kit in my stash too, and it's great to hear that everything fits together nicely. Could you share which paint you used for the gray on the upper part? Thanks so much!
Great job!
30 October 2024, 22:51

Beautiful beautiful work Nathan. Excellent airbrushing skill on show.
30 October 2024, 22:54

Thank you very much Cristian & Mr James!
Cristian: The upper color was Tamiya XF-53 Neutral Grey with a little XF-63 German Grey mixed in to darken it just a bit.
30 October 2024, 23:12

Woohoo! Another stunner! Nathan. You are really hitting them out of the park. Beautiful work.
30 October 2024, 23:16