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Bernd Korte
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Fairey Gannet AEW.3 - Sword 1/72View album, image #57
The name plate has arrived - and the project is finished!
1:72 Fairey Gannet AEW.3 (Sword SW72088)1:72 Palouste Mk.101/100 Jet Air Starter Trolley and Airborne Pod (CMK 7416)1:72 Fairey Gannet Type 1 wheels set (ResKit RS72-0202)1+
140 6 February 2021, 10:09
Bernd Korte kirjailija
I didn't know what to build next after Bandai's B-Wing was completed. So I let fate decide. Do I already regret it? I'm not sure. After reading some build logs on the internet my list of improvements and corrections is quite long. But then again - I'm sure it'll all work out 🙂 In any case this will be different from the Bandai kit which required nearly no putty and took me merely a month to build.
 6 February 2021, 10:13
Curious and original way to choose the next kit. I'm sure the resulting model will be very good.
 6 February 2021, 19:03
Łukasz Gliński
Me 2 🙂
 6 February 2021, 20:13
Oliver Zwiener
Back to the roots of MV 26.03.2011 😉
 9 February 2021, 16:56
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks for all your interest!
@JD: Who knows. Perhaps's I'll use this method for choosing the next kit again in the future. The Star Destroyer is still "in the pod" 🙂
@Oliver Zwiener: Yes, kind of! I've already built Revell's new tool Gannet AS Mk.4 and Trumpeter's T.Mk.5. The AEW.3 will now complete my Gannet collection.
By the way, my fiancée said "That's a cute plane, and it has a propeller" when she saw Sword's box art. Well, there is somethign to it. With a bit of imagination the Gannet could be one of Pixar's "Planes" characters...
 14 February 2021, 09:38
Matthew A
Could easily be in Jimbo and the Jetset
 14 February 2021, 10:57
Juergen Klinglhuber
Schau ich mir natürlich wieder an,....gruss
 14 February 2021, 18:54
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks for your interest!
I didn't know "Jimbo and the Jetset" before but youtube is your friend. So, yes, I can also picture the Gannet in that show 😄
By the way, for full disclosure: I'm more or less following what this guy did with his Gannet: obscureco.wordpress...egory/fairey-gannet/
Or at least I'll try.
 20 February 2021, 09:49
Dietmar Bogatzki
Da schau ich dem Experten mal über die Schulter, was er aus einer Gannet zaubert, vielleicht versuche ich dann die von Revell doch mal zu bauen..
 28 February 2021, 09:20
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Hallo Dietmar! Die Revell Gannet ließ sich ganz gut bauen, soweit ich mich erinnern kann.

Some more progress in the last couple of weeks. The fuselage is now closed. Despite some very careful dry fitting the seams will need some filling and sanding. But nothing too bad. Next I'll ad some detailwork to the main landing gear wells.
 13 March 2021, 09:53
Ricardo Reis
Following this beautiful ugly plane build, Bernd! 🙂
 14 March 2021, 00:00
Alexander Grivonev
Phew, I am not the only one using a random numbers generator to choose my next project 😄 😄
 14 March 2021, 00:04
Oliver Zwiener
Kabelbinder und Klemmen - super - auf die Idee bin ich bisher noch nicht gekommen !
 14 March 2021, 08:50
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks, Ricardo!
@Alexander: Yes, perhaps I'll choose the next project like this again. It certainly adds some excitement to the hobby 😄
@Oliver: Kabelbinder nutze ich gern für ovale Formen wie Flugzeugrümpfe. Und wenn man den kleinen Pin im "Schloss" der Kabelbinder nach oben drückt, kann man sie wieder öffnen und erneut verwenden.
 14 March 2021, 18:04
David Funke
I´m in. I can't miss the Gannet...
 21 March 2021, 17:14
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Welcome, David!
During the last week I spent some more time on wheel bay details and the exhausts. Building this kit is really time consuming, at least when I compare it with the "shake'n bake" Bandai B-Wing kit that I've built before this one.
 21 March 2021, 20:45
Nathan Dempsey
I'd love to build this in 1:48 but since the only one was a unicorn-like resin kit I'll happily watch your build 🙂 Looks like you've made a fine start!
 21 March 2021, 20:53
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks, Nathan! I'm glad you like what you're seeing!
Over the last couple of days I finished the wheel bays and glued the wings together. Today I spent the morning working on the landing and position lights in the wings. For the landing lights there are in fact some transparent parts in the kit. The position lights need to be added from scratch. I really like how it turned out 🙂
 3 April 2021, 12:03
Ricardo Reis
All your attention to detail is turning this into a fine build indeed, Bernd! 👍
 3 April 2021, 12:34
Looks like you are doing a stellar job.
 3 April 2021, 13:01
Stefan Schacht
Interesting choice of model 🙂 and very nice so far. Count me in.
 3 April 2021, 16:53
Nice details!
 3 April 2021, 18:15
Been awhile since i saw one of these, they flew out of Lossiemouth when it was a naval base can't remember its name just now, I'm sure there was one as a gate guard as well, will watch with interest looking good so far
 3 April 2021, 19:58
Hms Fulmar 1946-1972
 3 April 2021, 20:00
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks for all your encouraging comments!
@Simontie: You're lucky! I'm not sure if I every saw a Gannet AEW.3 in person at all.
 4 April 2021, 07:52
David Funke
Nice work on the lights! I´m sad that I have to wait until March 2022 to see the model...
 4 April 2021, 09:02
Nathan Dempsey
Nice work on all that added detail Bernd. ?
 4 April 2021, 12:53
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks David and Nathan! @David: Yes, I'm also looking forward to meet again in person some time!
The Gannet project is slowly coming along. All wings are now attached which required quite a bit of sanding.
 10 April 2021, 13:13
Nice painting 👍
 8 May 2021, 18:51
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks Cuajete! In the meantime I finished decal work. As some fellow modeller's have already noted the decals of this kit are very thin. So it's best to slide them from the paper directly onto the model surface. Otherwise they will curl up.
 22 May 2021, 18:28
Ricardo Reis
Coming out nicely, Bernd! 👍
 22 May 2021, 18:53
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks Ricardo! There was a minor set back, though - when I confused ultra thin plastic cement with decal soft. Luckily the decal could be saved as described in the picture.
 12 June 2021, 06:59
Guy Rump
Looking really good 👍
 12 June 2021, 08:42
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks Guy Rump! The finish line is now almost there. The build takes more time during these final steps as I discovered a few details just now which I still had to add - for example the fuel dump pipes coming out at the end of the pylons.
 27 June 2021, 18:33
Robert Podkoński
I wholeheartedly agree with Roland - absloutely excellent work.
 27 June 2021, 19:44
Guy Rump
Great result, excellent modelling 👍
 27 June 2021, 20:24
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks Roland, Robert and Guy!
I managed to finish the kit this weekeend. Here are a few photos that I just took. In the end the build was quite demanding in some places, but now I'm quite happy with the result 🙂
Next I'll finish the Palouste Jet Air Starter Trolley and then I need to build a small display base to finish this project.
 4 July 2021, 19:03
Nathan Dempsey
That's a beautiful build Bernd. I'm really wishing for one of these in 1/48 now.
 4 July 2021, 19:22
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic effect. Looking really awesome, Bernd! Chapeau bas!
 4 July 2021, 19:31
Łukasz Gliński
Lovely! Good to know I have the same feeling towards the damn aerials 😉
 4 July 2021, 19:40
Christian Bruer
Excellent work and finish on the Gannet and nice to read and follow your WIP.
 4 July 2021, 19:42
 4 July 2021, 20:19
Ricardo Reis
Awesome!!! 👍
 4 July 2021, 20:55
Beautiful work. JLTRT! An ugly prototype, but a long time favourite of mine. Really enjoyed following the build and eagerly anticipating the finale. 👍
 4 July 2021, 22:00
Alec K
Great build and excellent WIP log 👍
 4 July 2021, 22:26
David Funke
Very nice, Sir!
 5 July 2021, 07:17
Juergen Klinglhuber
Great result! Well done.
 5 July 2021, 07:36
Excellent work indeed!
 5 July 2021, 07:58
Dave Flitton
Wow, nice work!!
 5 July 2021, 16:47
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks, fellow scalemates! Your feedback is much appreciated in these "model show-less" times - one way less to feed the modeler's ego 😉
Frankly I had already started on the Palouste some time ago. So here's already a photo of the finished mini-kit. Continuing with the display base now...
 5 July 2021, 16:55
Fantastic job and very nice result.
 5 July 2021, 18:22
Oliver Zwiener
Klasse Ding ! Aus welchen Material sind denn die Drahtantennen ?
 5 July 2021, 18:32
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks Cuajete and Oliver!
@Oliver: Das ist "Rig that Thing" von Uschi van der Rosten. Eine Alternative wäre "Aero Black Rigging" von Infini Model.
 8 July 2021, 11:54
Harry Eder
Great Gannet Bernd! 👍
 8 July 2021, 14:56
Edward Cornelio
Wonderful aircraft, magnificent work!
 8 July 2021, 16:59
Oliver Zwiener
" Rig that Thing" von Uschi van der Rosten , die Lernkurve steigt wieder an 🙂
 8 July 2021, 17:41
Mirko Römer
Alles andere als tölpelhaft! Klasse Modell! (Gannet= Basstölpel)
 8 July 2021, 19:30
Oliver Zwiener
Welche Stärke hat denn Rigg that thing in 1:72 ???
 9 July 2021, 18:15
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Es gibt verschiedene: Standard, Fine und Superfine. Superfine soll für 1:72 sein, aber das ist mir schon fast zu dünn. Ich glaube ich habe hier "Fine" genommen.
 11 July 2021, 18:36
Christoph Schnarr
Very nice model bernd - as always with you 👍
 12 July 2021, 11:05
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks, Christoph! I just realized that we haven't met in ages - I hope that will change next year when hobby shows will hopefully again take place.

I just added a few new "eye level" shots.
 12 July 2021, 12:46
Christoph Schnarr
Yes, it has been a long time since we last met. Let's hope that we can meet again soon at a show.
 12 July 2021, 14:44
 12 July 2021, 17:40
Excellent work and good to see pics of all the building process.
 12 July 2021, 22:15
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks Cuajete and Micky! Taking the in progress photos always helps me to keep up the motivation. Especially concerning extra detail work that is not out of the box.
 13 July 2021, 18:53
Hanno Kleinecke
What an excellent result ! This would go for 1/48 without question 👍
 19 July 2021, 17:52
Clifford Keesler
Very nice job.
 23 July 2021, 23:02
Paweł W.
 24 July 2021, 13:56
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks Hanno, Clifford and Pawel! Your feedback is very motivating!
 25 July 2021, 06:40
Thomas Bischoff
Brilliant work - would never thought this to be in 1:72!
 8 August 2021, 08:35
Nice name plate, Bernd 👍
 8 August 2021, 18:13
Bernhard Schrock
Top result! Chapeau.
 8 August 2021, 18:20
Oleg Smilyk
Fantastic Gannet, absolutely top result, Bernd!
 8 August 2021, 18:42
I love this. I want to build this in 1/72 now that you've done it right for me to follow.
 13 December 2023, 07:34
Bernd Grün
Excellent build and paint job! 👌👌👌 Congratulation!
 13 December 2023, 08:47
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thank you MellOtt and Bernd for your comments! Despite being short run, Sword has become one of my favorite brands as they tend to kit subjects overlooked by others.
 13 December 2023, 11:18
Clifford Keesler
It turned out really great. I have 2 of them in the stash. @ Nathan, your wish has come to pass, The Airfix 1/48 one looks great. I want one!
 14 December 2023, 03:29
Guy Rump
Beautiful build. 👍
 14 December 2023, 17:18
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thanks Clifford and Guy! It is now more than two years since I completed the build..And the kit was purchased even longer ago. But I guess it has become topical again now that Sword has reissued the kit.
 14 December 2023, 19:49
Tony Stark
That's an incredibly detailed build!
Can I ask what drill you used for the coper rod one wheel axle?
I have the drill buts but need the dremel/drill to use them.
 1 June 2024, 10:28
Clifford Keesler
I think I saw where Sword is releasing a 1/48 scale version.
 3 June 2024, 01:27
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thank you for your kind comments.
It's just a regular no name micro hand drill. You can find different models online and they cost about eight Euros.
 3 June 2024, 21:00
David Orr
It may be an ugly duckling, but it makes a beautiful model. You did a fantastic job on it.
 4 June 2024, 01:57
Daniel Mysak
Very well done, the Gunnet looks superb👍. Also nice to see some pics of all the hidden details in the pit and wheel bays. Sword kits are always a lot of work, but as you show, they are worth it.
 4 June 2024, 07:52
Beautiful and awesome!
 4 June 2024, 16:14
Michael Kohl
Quite a few Gannets seen around here lately. Yours is as well a nice model of this ugly bird.
 4 June 2024, 16:36
Bernd Korte kirjailija
Thank you for pushing my old build to the top of the news feed 🙂 Over time I became a true Sword fan and have quite a few of their kits in my stash or on my wishlist.
However, since the birth of my twins roughly 1.5 years ago I haven't had any time to start another one…
 4 June 2024, 20:17
Tony Stark
Thanks for the info Bernd!
I have a few hobby drills but none fit my new drill bits and there simular to the ones you have.
Congrats on the top news feed build!
 6 June 2024, 11:50
Peter Mollenhauer
Phantastic build, Bernd! My congrats!
 7 July 2024, 09:14

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