Kierre aloitti GaryWintin

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5 22 January 2014, 11:14

Loads more photos on my blog guys modeller-innovation...nashorn-diorama.html
22 January 2014, 12:04

Fantastic! Did you encounter any positioning problems with the Tristar figures? I ask, because I want to use them also in my premium Nashorn.
22 January 2014, 14:01

This is amazing
How did you make the mud???
And what crew set did you use??
26 January 2014, 03:41

It's on my blog post ... but I wil just copy it here - I thought of putting on mud but I decided to put on just dirt, dust and dry soil as I want to depict this vehicle in a summer condition. The pigments on the side of the chassis were applied dry and fixed with Tamiya thinner. The dusty appearance on the front glacis was applied first with two layer of oil wash and brushing pigments on top after that.
28 January 2014, 07:11

Wow, Gary! Thats indeed a hell of a great work! Cool Rhino! Wonderful looking dio plate!
28 January 2014, 19:25

hey gary just realised who you are,i still love this it is awesome mate,i`m on scale models forum lol
29 January 2014, 09:47

Well done. Nice balance. Sets and holds the mood just as you said.
29 January 2014, 10:23