lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
NeulingBeautiful models! They deserve more photos .........
27 March 2021, 11:22
Prieur Gaël kirjailijaThank Neuling, You will find more pictures on my club blog :
, there must be a post for each with several photos each time, except for the IIIB and IIIE where the posts are to come, will have to follow the blog 🙂
27 March 2021, 11:34
AlexanderImpressive collection of Mirages, look all very nice. 👍
12 May 2021, 09:59
MariusVery, very impressive album!
9 August 2022, 04:13
Sergej IOh wooow! 👍
9 August 2022, 07:52
Erik LeijdensGreat collection of Mirages! Well done!
9 August 2022, 07:58
Tom B.Impressive lot of Deltas... and F.1s, of course 👍 Must be an impressive sight when line up in a display-cabinett!
9 August 2022, 10:50
Guillaume BlanchetSuperbe! J'amerias voir une photo ou on les voit toutes ensemble.
9 August 2022, 11:52
Michael Kohlone nicer than the other and all well built.
9 August 2022, 12:01
Prieur Gaël kirjailijahello every body, thanks for your reply, I'm happy you enjoy my work.
Ah Guillaume je sais pas si ma table est assez grande... je dois avoir une photo d'une expo où il y a les onze F.1
9 August 2022, 15:40
Rui SA beauty 👍
13 August 2022, 00:20
NeilC'est magnifique!
20 September 2022, 18:25
Prieur Gaël kirjailijaThanks Neil
21 September 2022, 18:29
Guy RumpVery impressive collection. 👍
21 September 2022, 18:52
VincentGreat collection of one of the best looking fighters ever made.
31 October 2022, 09:01
Prieur Gaël kirjailijaThanks for your replies
31 October 2022, 10:43
Alex K... and a nice Vautour! 👍
3 December 2022, 20:59
TreehuggerI take it that OP has already seen the movie "Sky Fighters"? 🙂
14 April 2023, 19:55
Prieur Gaël kirjailijathe 5-OP especially saw iraq and saudi arabia with this camouflage
14 April 2023, 20:23
Naramune bien belle collection
15 April 2023, 12:03
Lost_ErikAn awesome collection. Bravo!
15 April 2023, 13:54
SkyhikerWow, am I seeing a mirage or what?
15 April 2023, 23:25
Roberto RocatWhat a nice collection! Beautiful machines, great builds.
24 June 2023, 16:28
Prieur Gaël kirjailijaGrazie mille Roberto
24 June 2023, 16:33
RuiThanks for sharing! 🙏
It was a pleasure to look through so many Mirages 👍
25 June 2023, 06:13