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Dan Bacon
Beginning new project - Panzer IV Ausf. D 'DAK'
Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D DAK Tropical Version
Dragon 1:35
6779 2013 Uudet osat
6 May 2014, 05:13
Holger Kranich
Sounds good, count me in but do you know that the kit has wrong wheels?

ML Forum (Axis) - something is wrong in this new Pz4D...
 6 May 2014, 14:34
Dan Bacon kirjailija
Yea, I'm currently in a GB (FSM) and have notice the road wheels are larger - photo - [img1] - [img2] - I'm using the Tristar German Pz IV Wheel Set and using their wheels. - [img3] - Reading through some of the other issues the main sprocket in the kit is for the 'E' not the 'D' - The kit has a ton of extra parts to include more road wheels, sprockets and idler wheels.
 6 May 2014, 23:15
Dan Bacon kirjailija
Guess I will need a slide ruler and compare all the sets of extra things to see if the instructions just call the wrong parts, did see another issue while assembling the lower hull pan that the instructions completely left off the rear bottom plate.[img1]
 6 May 2014, 23:19
Hunter Cummins
How are the wheels to big???? I thought all panzer iv road wheels were the same.
 6 May 2014, 23:41
Fabian D.
Not really, early versions (Ausführungen) had the 38cm-, later ones had 40cm-tracks. Hence the roadweels were slightly changed aswell. It's quite well explained in Holgers link above.
I'm with you Dan, progress looks good 👍
 6 May 2014, 23:50
Dan Bacon kirjailija
Unless Dragon Care comes through with the rubber tires, its has the correct rims, just no rubber. I will be using the Tristar Road Wheels. However not sure about the Sprocket - According to the group forum it has the 'E' version in the kit. I have seen, read that some 'D' were fitted with 'E' Sprockets as they were needed due to lack of spares.
 7 May 2014, 03:12
Holger Kranich
Nice progress, Dan! Do you have a WIP album? Would be nice to keep track of your work on this one! Will surely help me to correct when it comes to my build!😢😄
 7 May 2014, 06:11
I am with Holger, as this one waits in my stash 🙂 Nice build so far btw.😉
 7 May 2014, 09:26
Dan Bacon kirjailija
Got a response from Dragon Care regarding the missing parts - may be the rubber tires for the earlier rims (38cm). Item is in the mail and arrives in 3-5 days. Have already assembled the Tristar set road wheels. Have to inspect the items when they arrive ... 🙂
 9 May 2014, 05:30

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