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FineScale Modeler Volume 19 Issue 5

FineScale Modeler


FineScale Modeler
Volume 19 Issue 5 | May 2001


Build Report, 1:48  | Page 24
Beautiful WWII Mosquito

Bill Pettyjohn's award-winning Mosquito has a great weathered finish - and he shares his techniques with FSM.
De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI/NF Mk.II
Tamiya 1:48
61062 (61062-2800) 1998 Uusi työkalu

Build Report, 1:25  | Page 28
Build a Tiger I, Part II

by Bob Collignon
Last month, the author detailed this late-war German beast; now it's time to paint.
German Panzerkampfwagen VI
Tiger I (Sd.Kfz. 181) Ausfuehrung E Display model
Tamiya 1:25
30611 1997 Uusi laatikko

Build Report, 1:32  | Page 34
Build Yeager's Mustang

by Pat Hawkey
Revamp an older kit to model Chuck Yeager's "Glamorous Glen III" in 1/32 scale.
North American
P-51D Mustang U.S. Air Force Filter (W.W. II)
Hasegawa 1:32
S12 (JS-086) 1975 Uudet tarrat

Editorial | Page 42
P-51 Mustang roundup!

by Paul Boyer
The good (and the not so good) Mustang kits.

Editorial | Page 46
The U-2 from Thirteen Days

by Chris Appoldt
The model makers at Grant McCune Design, Inc., bring history to life...again.

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 52
Modeling Shepard's Redstone

by Phillip Gore
Kitbashing this historic rocket in 1/48 scale, on the 40th anniversary of its flight.
Mercury Gemini
Revell Monogram 1:48
H-1834 1996 Uusi laatikko Multi-aihe (3)
Jupiter C
Glencoe Models 1:48
05103 1990 Uusi laatikko

Build Report, 1:350  | Page 56
Detailing the Konig

by Mike Ashey
ICM's 1/350 scale WWI battleship meets a master modeler armed with photoetched brass!
WWI German Battleship
UA ICM 1:350
S.001 2000 Uusi työkalu

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 62
Airbrushing metal

by Robert Downie
Making plastic look like metal is easier than you might think, as our author shows on his MiG-21.
MiG-21PF Fishbed D
Academy 1:48
2166 1998 Uusi työkalu

Tips & Tricks | Page 68
Great guns!

by Robert Oehler
Create a convincing gunmetal finish.

Review, 1:24  | Page 72
Workbench Reviewso

by Mike Dowd
Revell 2341, #1 Mopar Performance Parts Dodge Race Truck
#1 Dennis Setzer
Mopar Perfomance Parts Dodge Race Truck
Revell 1:24
85-2341 2001 Muutettu ???

Review, 1:35  | Page 73
Workbench Reviews

by John Plzak
Tamiya 35246, FAMO and Sd.Ah.116 trailer
FAMO & Sd.Ah.116 Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18t "FAMO" und Tiefladeanhänger für Pz.Kpfw. Sd.Ah.116
Tamiya 1:35
35246 2000 Uudet osat Multi-aihe (2)

Review, 1:72  | Page 74
Workbench Reviews

by David P. Anderson
Revell 04616, Heinkel He 177A-5 with Fritz X
Heinkel He 177 A-5 & Fritz X
Revell 1:72
04616 2000 Uusi työkalu

Review, 1:72  | Page 75
Workbench Reviews

by David P. Anderson
Zvezda 7229, MiG-31 Foxhound
МиГ-31 Советский истребитель-перехватчик
MiG-31 "Soviet interceptor fighter"
Zvezda 1:72
7229 (ZVE7229) 2000 Uusi työkalu

Review, 1:48  | Page 76
Workbench Reviews

by Dr. Bill Funcke
Classic Airframes 432, Curtiss F11C-2/BFC-2
Curtiss BFC-2
Classic Airframes 1:48

Review, 1:48  | Page 78
Workbench Reviews

by Jim Zeske
Revell 1654, ProFinish P-51B Mustang
P-51B Mustang
Revell 1:48
85-1654 2000 Uudet osat