FineScale Modeler Volume 10 Issue 7

- aikakauslehti:
- FineScale Modeler
- Määrä:
- Volume 10 Issue 7 | November 1992
- Kieli:
- English
- 07482008285011
Review, 1:72 | Page 11WORKBENCH REVIEWS
by David L. VeresHigh Planes, Commonwealth Wirraway

Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Wirraway WWII Australian Trainer
High Planes Models 1:72
7201 200x Uusi laatikko Review, 1:700 | Page 12WORKBENCH REVIEWS
by Phil KirchmeierSkywave M-8, USS Cochrane (DDG-21)

Guided Missile Destroyer
DDG 21 USS COCHRANE German Navy Luetjens Class ships. Pit-Road 1:700
M-8 1992 Uudet tarrat Review, 1:24 | Page 13WORKBENCH REVIEWS
by Steve DavisProvence Moulage, Jaguar D-type

Jaguar D-Type #XKD 606 (376 SG) Winner Le Mans´57 #3 Bueb/Flockhart
Provence Moulage 1:24
K2001 199x Uusi työkalu Build Report | Page 22FSM PORTFOLIO: George Smith's big rigs
Hard-working trucks with sparkling finishes
Build Report | Page 26"Roger, feet dry. Good hunting!"
by Rick Boswell, Steve LongacreA forced-perspective A-6 Intruder diorama based on Desert Storm
Tips & Tricks | Page 34FSM's Vac-shop
by Paul BoyerHow to build vacuum-formed models
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 42Kitbashing a Northrop BT-1 in 1/48 scale
by Farris BrownModeling the colorful sire of the SBD Dauntless
Build Report | Page 50Scratchbuilding the Thunderbird 1 rocket ship
by Jeffery W. WargoMaking mold patterns - or a model - from wood
Reference | Page 62RESEARCH DATA: Scorpion and Scimitar light tanks
by George R. BradfordBritish bantamweights that pack a punch
by Bill NortonIsraeli Air Force Mirage III
News | Page 741992-93 New Figure Releases
An FSM staff report
Review, 1:48 | Page 10bWORKBENCH REVIEWS
by Art LoderToycraft Berg A48-02, Ki-61 Model I Tei