FineScale Modeler Volume 15 Issue 1

- aikakauslehti:
- FineScale Modeler
- Määrä:
- Volume 15 Issue 1 | January 1997
- Kieli:
- English
- 07547008285601
Review, 1:48 | Page 26Workbench Reviews
by David L. VeresKovozavody Prostejov (KP) 05, Sukhoi Su-22M4
Build Report, 1:32 | Page 30Showcase: F4U Corsair
A "HEAVY WEIGHT SLUGGER" David Gilbert's award-winning model.
Build Report, 1:25 | Page 32Building a 1950 Batmobile
by Michael StutelbergFROM CARTOON TO 3-D Sculpey and thermoforming adventures.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 40Building a SdKfz 251/9
by Glenn BartolottiHALF-TRACK Infantry and armored support vehicles.
Reference | Page 42Research Data: MK 82 Bombs
by Jim Rotramel500-POUNDERS Many explosives share a quarter-ton family history.
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 54Improving Cockpits
by James GreenTHE CURTISS XP-55 Detailing a small-scale Ascender.
Tips & Tricks | Page 62Making Markings
by Gil Hodges, Paul BoyerDO-IT-YOURSELF DETAILING Tired-and-true methods and products