Military Miniatures In Review 48

- aikakauslehti:
- Military Miniatures In Review
- Määrä:
- 48 | June 2009
- Kieli:
- English
Build Report | Page 26Mighty Grasshopper
by Michael Rinaldi1/35 Dragon Heuschrecke IVb 10.5cm le F.H. 18/6(Sf.) auf Geschutzwagen III/IV

Heuschrecke IVb "Grasshopper" 10.5cm le.F.H. 18/6(Sf.) auf Geschüetzwagen III/IV
Dragon 1:35
6439 2007 Uusi työkalu Build Report | Page 39A Stoodie for Stalin
by Spud MurphySpud builds the long awaited plastic kit of the Allies' iconic workhorse
Reference | Page 45The New U.S. Army Workhorse
by Ralph ZwillingThe M1078A1 - the 2.5-ton 4x4 standard cargo version of the FMTV

M1078A1 LMTV gepanzert
Trident Miniatures 1:87
87152 Build Report | Page 55Bandai Sci-Fi
by Jeff KlienhenzNew armor from Bandai in the form of a twin-barreled Semovente

U.C. Hard Graph
E.F.G.F. M61A5 Main Battle Tank "Semovente" Phantom Element Bandai 1:35
0157471 (06) 2009 Uusi työkalu Build Report | Page 61Operation al-Fajr
by Pat StansellSculpting a Marine Corps scene from OIF