Model Military International 133

- aikakauslehti:
- Model Military International
- Määrä:
- 133 | May 2017
- Kieli:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline - May 2017
What’s new in the world of military modelling
Reference | Page 6KING TIGER part one
by John OsselaerJohn Osselaer explores the origins and development of the King Tiger and explodes some myths in the process.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 16DRANG NACH ARNHEM
by Pawel RzymskiPawel Rzymski is inspired by a wartime photo to recreate a scene with a Tiger II on a heavy rail car in the Arnhem area.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 28ROYAL CARRIAGE
by José BritoJosé Brito builds Mirror Models’ 1:35 scale Morris C8 Quad in a scene featuring HRH Princess Elizabeth.
Review, 1:35 | Page 38TRACKED FLAK
by Andy KingAndy King examines Dragon’s newest 1:35 scale Hetzer family variant – the anti-aircraft Bergpanzer 38(t) mit 2cm FlaK 38.
Review, 1:35 | Page 39TIGER II REBOXED
by Graham TetleyGraham Tetley examines Revell’s rebox of ICM’s 1:35 scale Henschel King Tiger.
Build Report, 1:16 | Page 40PAINTING PANZER GREY
by Brett AvantsBrett Avants uses Panda’s large-scale Panzer 38(t) as a demonstration base for painting and weathering Panzer Grey.
by Brett GreenBrett Green builds a test shot of Tamiya’s brand new 1:48 scale Sturmtiger, adding Zimmerit from two-part epoxy putty.
Reference | Page 56Book Reviews
The latest titles in military history and modelling
Build Report, 1:72 1:76 | Page 58Small Scale
by Andy KingA round-up of the latest news and releases in 1:72 and 1:76
Review, 1:48 | Page 601:48 Scale
by Luke PittA round-up of the latest news and releases
Review, 1:35 | Page 61PROTO-PANTHER
by Graham TetleyDragon adds new parts to create an early Panther prototype. Graham Tetley checks it out.
Reference | Page 66The Last Post...
by Luke PittLuke Pitt examines the latest in Nuts & Bolts’ series on WWII German military vehicles – Jagdpanzer IV Part 1 – L/48.