Model Airplane International 45Issueaikakauslehti:Model Airplane InternationalMäärä:45 | April 2009Kieli:EnglishSisällysluetteloBuild Report, 1:72 | Page 6Typhoon 2 by Alan BottomsEF-2000B Eurofighter TyphoonHobbyBoss 1:7280265 2008 Uudet osat EF-2000A Eurofighter TyphoonHobbyBoss 1:7280264 2008 Uusi työkalu Build Report, 1:32 | Page 10Fighting The Buffalo by Libor Maleymodel 339E Buffalo Mk.ISpecial Hobby 1:32SH32013 2008 Uudet osat Build Report, 1:32 | Page 12Taming The Stallion by Jamie HaggoP-51D Mustang IVTrumpeter 1:3202275 2008 Uudet osat Build Report, 1:48 | Page 14Superb Samurai by Jamie HaggoMitsubishi A6M5/5a Zero Fighter (Zeke)Tamiya 1:4861103 2008 Uusi työkalu Build Report, 1:48 | Page 24Faster, Lower, Smarter by Pierre Alain LambertMirage 2000D/N Limited Edition Eduard 1:481123 2007 Uudet osat Build Report, 1:72 | Page 44The Flying Tank by Andy IeronymidesIl-2 StormovikAcademy 1:7212417 2008 Uusi työkalu