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Aces High Magazine Issue 8 | Captured

Aces High Magazine


Aces High Magazine
Issue 8 | Captured | August 2016


Build Report, 1:48  | Page 6
P-51B Mustang

by Dani Zamarbide
The Wild Horse From Zircus Rosarius

Build Report, 1:32  | Page 18
Pfalz D.III A

by Michel Gruson
The Unlucky German

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 28
JU 87 D-3 'Stuka'

by Kamil Feliks Sztarbala
Under Entirely New Management

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 36
MiG-21 F-13 'Fishbed'

by Girolamo Larusso
James Bomb MiG 007

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 48
Fw-190 A5

by Marek Novacek
The Blue Hunter

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 58
Sukhoi Su-25

by Juan Villegas
The Gulf War Escape

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 76
VW Type 166 Schwimmwagen

by Francisco
The Swimming Beetle