P-38j aluminium/red
Photo 1 of 43
64 13 September 2023, 11:00

very nice and neat build and paint. what kind of paint did you use for the white and dark aluminium ?
9 December 2023, 06:49

Thanks Pierre. I used vallejo metal colour white alluminium and dark alluminium.
9 December 2023, 11:13

i am working on that kit right now. I would be happy it it will come out as good as yours, mate!
27 April 2024, 11:15

Thanks everyone!!! @Edward It's a great kit. And i'm happy with the result. Good luck with yours!
27 April 2024, 12:37
Album info
This is one of my favorite ww2 planes and this set has some great schemes. I will build a bare matel one. I still need to improve my metal finishes because I want to use the practise for a Mirgae 3 build.