'The Red Ball Express'.
Photo 1 of 14
9 16 October 2023, 07:10

My street bases arrive tomorrow. !
This is going to be either one big headache or, a lot of fun.
16 October 2023, 10:39

Hey Rui. Thanks for your input mate. I will be calling on your expertise from time to time as to how you got so much realism in your work and the tricks you have up your sleeve to get the stunning results you do. I am doing this to try and show just how crowded the road between Normandy and the front was once the convoy got into gear so to speak. All the video's I have seen show multiple vehicles, nose to tail through provincial and major towns, but all the dioramas I have seen don't truly represent just how intense it became. So, with that in mind, I am going to attempt to give the diorama a congested look without going to extremes and overcrowding the limited area I have to work with. Like my B-17 dio of the engines being replaced, it was 'busy' with just one item as the central piece, but the support actors were all doing something related to the job at hand. I hope I can do the allies effort justice. Hang around. It should be a lot of fun. 🙂
20 October 2023, 22:35
Album info
I bought a new camera today. A Kodak 'Express' with great macro capabilities.
The diorama is all about one piece of the Red Ball Express convoy and the vehicles and men involved in transporting all the war supplies after the landing at Normady, of all the supp[ies stored on British shores which were needed in Europe for a successful end to the war.
I have seen a number of dioramas, but none that got the scale of the effort involved.
I am hoping I can create that vision with lots of items creating that movement.
Trucks, cargo, jeeps, trailers and lots of figures.