My Latest Models
Photo 1 of 40
18 September 2011, 08:25

Hi Philip, a nice collection you have. Love the "Viking Freight Express" decals on your Viking 🙂
18 September 2011, 08:46

Hi Philip, welkom op scalemates! I'm fan of the Tornado, and your TigerMeet versions looks very convincing!
18 September 2011, 08:48

Hi Luc, the decals on the viking are these from Aero Master, the decals from the box was a dessaster, sorry for my english
18 September 2011, 10:49

Hi Tim, My tornado is straight from the box- even the decals, it cost me 3 weeks to set them on the plane, 3 weeks avery avond, but the result is good, thanks for the comment, Greetings Phil
18 September 2011, 10:53

Hey Phil, you did a great work on this collection! I love the Stuka and the Hellcat and of course the Tornado! Very nice! 🙂
8 December 2011, 15:06

Thx Holger and Zimmi, this is the collection how it looks a few weeks ago, with the new planes I have latest make it is a little bit bigger, Thx for the comments
@Zimmi, are you sunday at the BSMC Lier, I see forward to that day and hope I can spend some money????!!!!!
Greetings Phil
8 December 2011, 16:55

welcome Philip you have some lovely looking aircarft there and i look forward to seeing more
8 December 2011, 17:16

I just placed some new pic's, Have fun, greetings Phil
8 December 2011, 17:56

Hi Philip,
very well built models. What´s the cale and manufacturer of the Mig-21?
8 December 2011, 18:16

The manufacturer of the Mig 21 is Academy, a very nice kit and it build easy and it have nice details, the scale is 1/48, I placed a cockpit from Aires in to the plane, greetings, Phil
8 December 2011, 18:43

I'll be at BSMC yes, not sure when, sat or sun, depends on my mate, but I will have a few models standing there
8 December 2011, 18:59

I have also a few models standing there, i'm looking forward to it, It will be a fantastic sunday, see you, Phil
8 December 2011, 19:54

me too Dave 🙂 - @ Phill, then we'll have the chance to meet on sunday as I have to go back to take my models home
8 December 2011, 20:37

Hé Dave, patience, that's all you need and a lot of practice that's what you need, but that's not the inportentce, you must have fun to do the modelling that's where it's allebout for, greetings Phil (Sorry for my Englisch, it's not perfect and I no that 🙂
8 December 2011, 21:36

@ Phil: Sorry cant come there, i´m living on an island and its still difficult to come to shore...
9 December 2011, 07:51

I Will take some pictures from the convention, than you can take a look, cheers
9 December 2011, 09:24
Album info
These are the models I latest have made