E-2C Hawkeye (WIP)
Photo 1 of 44
75 23 October 2023, 19:02

Looking fantastic 👍
Oversized decals in 1/48 appears to be a common problem with Italeri aircraft kits in 1/48. Despite the printing quality (Cartograph) it appears that Italeri are incapable of accurately measuring them for fit before sending off to Cartograph for printing. I have encountered similar decal fit issues with their 1/48 F-14A, Mirage III, Mig 21, S-3 Viking etc. Given that most (if not all) of their kits released these days are reboxings of older tooled kits; having to replace the decals as well is just a no go for me and so I now avoid the brand completely.
19 July 2024, 18:45

As you may know I love wooden propellers by I must admit that your propellers looks fantastic 👍
19 July 2024, 19:34

@James, I was not aware of this issue; I only started noticing when I started to apply the first decals and looking at the reference photos - there are 2 or 3 photos of this specific aircraft; now it's to late to go back, but I am alert for the future; @bughunter, I love this typo or propeller, like the ones we can see in the A400M, they are very beautiful and elegant and powerful at the same time!
20 July 2024, 12:02

I agree with the propeller lust. This kit is just the way I like it, nothing fits.
11 September 2024, 01:09

@Ben, and the instructions have some mistakes and omissions 🙂
11 September 2024, 08:04

It will go to my basement when ready... to join the other finished models in storage! 🙂
27 September 2024, 18:41

And that's a wrap! Terrible modelling experience, very glad it's over; final photos can be found here: E-2C Hawkeye | Album by RReis (1:48)
1 October 2024, 22:47