Current, uncompleted projects
6 January 2012, 01:30

Hey Patrick, very nice aircraft you made there! I like the warthog very much! C´mon, keep on working on them!
6 January 2012, 08:25

hi my freind Patrick thank,s for your comment and is beautiful f 111 is a so Grandeur us aircraft i like american modern aicraft and about my lighting in the titanic you must know about Electronics kits because ia a aircraft should have flash led and Electronic circuit
i am Far from you and i can.t help you very well but i think you can do it . mahyar59
16 January 2012, 19:34

Looking good so far! And yes, put the ordnance on the A-10. That is what it was meant for, and it looks naked and lonely without it. Also, why have you lined up all of your paint bottles? A clean, organized workbench is a sign of a sick mind. 🙂
16 January 2012, 23:12

Holger, I plan to be finished this weekend. I have a heck of a hard time stretching sprue for some reason. I should have taken a picture of all of my botched sprue stretches tonight.
Yes Mr. Bahrampoor, the F-111 is in my top 10 list of most favorite modern military aircraft. #1 being the F-104 Starfighter and #2 , the A-7 Corsair. Weird thing about it is I don't have either one as a model.
Bill, I kind of have a good reason for this. My dog stays in my model room, aka "man cave" while my wife and I are working. If I leave anything laying around he will chew/consume whatever he get get his jaws or paws on. I learned this the hard way when I came home to a chewed up T-28 and P-38. I mistakenly left a candle (stretching sprue) on my filing cabinet last week and was only able to find the wick when I got home!
19 January 2012, 02:56

Hell yeah Patrick, i´m looking forward to see your models finished!!!;)
19 January 2012, 06:57
Album info
The EF-111 is 99% finished. I'm trying to find very small diameter wire for antennas.
The A-10, about 95% complete. Trying to decide if I'm going to put the ordinance on this one. I usually don't.
The Camel, about 95% complete. I have to stretch a little more sprue to finish the rigging. Couple paint touch-ups as well. The Camel is my first hand-painted project.