Hasegawa 091122 - Ki 61 Hien (Tony)
Photo 1 of 38
17 1 February 2024, 05:34

Mark - Same here (and German), I have a Kate, Nick, Zeke, and Oscar lined up as well in my stash.
3 February 2024, 16:33

Question for Members: In picture #12, what are your thoughts on the two-tone propeller cone (red/white)? I saw a picture of a Me190 with a dual colors (yellow/black). What are your thoughts ... was playing off the Japanese flag colors. The model will be all silver with a dark Japanese green/olive camo over spray on the top of the plane. Leave it in two-tone or color it to brown to match the props?
14 February 2024, 01:25

I'm sorry about the decals; that is a shame. I will leave the two-tone versus brown decision to some of the more serious and accuracy-focused mates on this site.
18 February 2024, 01:15

Indeed. I did find on eBay a replacement decal sheet that I have ordered. Should have it in about a weeks time.
18 February 2024, 01:19
Album info
Kawasaki Type 3 Fighter Hien Ki 61 (Tony)