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Mina Ro (witchy)

1/48 Ka-27 helix project

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44 13 September 2024, 20:45
Mina Ro kirjailija
Just a note, Vallejo pastel blue is a very good match for the KA-27 interior after researching the real cockpit and experimenting with many grey blue colors from Vallejo. I would recommend Vallejo 70.901. This picture was taken to show the color on the cockpit floor. I am still waiting for the aftermarket cockpit seats before I go any further in my build.
 13 September 2024, 20:47
Mr D
Brilliant 👍👍 l like Velejo paints, l purchased the big main colours box and can mix almost any colour out of them.
The white and yellow is only letdown as very low in pigment!!
I purchase AK Intense white and yellow and they .. knock it out the park.. Brilliant.
I'm building a HB at min and it's not giving me accurate paint colours! Also some areas n parts no paint colour mentioned! Good old internet to the rescue.
Good luck with it..nice project 👍👍
 13 September 2024, 22:15
Mina Ro kirjailija
Yeah thats the one thing I dislike about the Chinese kits, very little paint callouts and no data on the units in the decal options offered. You really have to dig real data to find out and while it can be fun and a learning lesson. I bet a lot of modelers find it annoying. These companies need to do better for the price of kits these days.
 13 September 2024, 23:02
Ben M
👀 thinking of building my first helicopter soon
 13 September 2024, 23:08
Juergen Klinglhuber
taking a seat....
 4 October 2024, 13:26
Mr D
Coming along nicely Mina👍
Like the subject....big fan of Soviet era machine's
 4 October 2024, 14:17
Mina Ro kirjailija
Ya, I built too much German and US WwII stuff in my teens. I am making up for that with some more unique stuff now. Hehehe
 22 October 2024, 22:49
Mr D
It's looking great Mina 👍
I really like the Soviet cockpit green/blue
Nice project choice 👌
 23 October 2024, 18:27
Sven Schönyan
I'm watching with interest!
 23 October 2024, 18:28
Mina Ro kirjailija
One thing about the hobby boss kit. I noticed that in real life the slogan on each side of the real aircraft is blue. In the kit the decals are black. Looks like hobbyboss screwed up on that.
 2 December 2024, 18:21
Mina Ro kirjailija
Builds been updated, now its time to build the rotor head and blades, and fit on the rest of the small bits. A little weathering after that and this build will be complete. I may use some EZ line for the cables on the tail that run to the rear fuselage, we will see.
 2 December 2024, 18:35
Mr D
Looking great Mina 👍👍 nice to see it advanced to this stage now.
Fine job. Look forward to final reveal 😃.
Ez line should be good job .
 2 December 2024, 19:15
David Taylor
Always wanted to build this one Mina.
 2 December 2024, 19:52
Mina Ro kirjailija
Blades are set and drying. One of the wheel struts came loose from the weight. Minor fix after the blades dry.
 4 December 2024, 22:49
Mr D
Yes it's turned out a nice paint job 👍👍
I find l need to get a model out in natural light to get the best photo results.
Like your paint pot support Idea 💡.
Sorry about the strut on wheel support, l use super glue on parts that are under a lot of stress.
I had to use it on the wing joints of my current Be-6 build.... as they would never have held up with poli !!
Nice Aircraft Mina .... coming along nicely 👍👍
 4 December 2024, 23:44
Mina Ro kirjailija
Thanks, I used micromark plastic welder. Its good stuff.
 5 December 2024, 00:17
Mina Ro kirjailija
EZ line worked out well. There is only one line going across tail, and one line going down the starboard side from right tail to fuselage.
 5 December 2024, 18:11
Mr D
Looks good 👍 l think l should get some EZ line myself, l got a big Antenna job coming up soon.
Is it very stretchy?? and dose it come in different "O" Gauges??
 5 December 2024, 19:43
Mina Ro kirjailija
yes it stretches very well, makes it so much easier than the sewing thread I used to use. A tiny drop of CA glue, then place the end of line on it, dries immediately, then stretch other end to the location you like followed by another drop and your done. Great stuff, they make a few different thicknesses but i have found the "fine" to work on all scales.
 5 December 2024, 19:48
Mina Ro kirjailija
I have noticed that the Ukraine versions do not have the rear view mirrors on them like the Russian ones do. The kit calls for them but i think i am going to leave those off.
 5 December 2024, 19:55
David Taylor
Hi Mina I think somebody does metal undercarriage for the Helix.
 5 December 2024, 21:12
David Taylor
 5 December 2024, 21:15
Mr D
Thanks Mina 👍
It's for Antenna so l will pick up some fine.
 5 December 2024, 21:38
Juergen Klinglhuber
Looking great - 👍
 8 December 2024, 06:51
Michael Kohl
Nice. Maybe time to change the teaser to something more Kamov-like? 😉
1  8 December 2024, 08:15
Mina Ro kirjailija
Teaser where?
 10 December 2024, 05:47
Michael Kohl
At the 'manage'-menue you find a green button beside each pic to select it as teaser, meaning that it will appear as the first picture when opening the album. Hope that helps. 🙂
 10 December 2024, 08:12
Mina Ro kirjailija
Thanks for that, fixed., I had no idea there is a lot of features buried in some of the settings that I think are overly complicated or buried. It would be nice to see the format streamlined.
1  10 December 2024, 22:49
Rui S
Beautifully done Helix. Fast & Great work. 👍
1  10 December 2024, 23:12
Jennifer Franklin
I love the blue. Nice job!
1  10 December 2024, 23:29
Mr D
Nice job Mina 👏👍 nice creation... well done 👍👍
1  11 December 2024, 00:01
Mina Ro kirjailija
Have moved on to my T-90 tank, thanks!
 11 December 2024, 22:55
Ben M
Great looking build! An interesting subject too.
 12 December 2024, 12:07
David Taylor
Smart Helix.
 12 December 2024, 19:06

Album info

Pictures of the build

11 kuvien
1:48 Russian Ka-27 Helix (HobbyBoss 81739)1:48 Ka-27 Interior coloured PE-detail set (Microdesign MD 048040)1:48 Ka-27 Helix Landing Gear (Scale Aircraft Conversions 48291)2+
Kamov Ka-27PL Helix-A
UA Морська Авіація (Ukrainian Naval Aviation 1992-now)

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