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Dave Creel (razorboy)



29 September 2012, 20:51
Frank Krause
Wow, already such skills in 1981? Nice scene. Love the camo of the Germans.
 29 September 2012, 22:27
Dave Creel kirjailija
Thanks Frank.
 29 September 2012, 22:38
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Hi Dave .What is the tall Grass made of (Brush hair)????
Very good Work.
 30 September 2012, 07:44
Dave Creel kirjailija
Unravelled Hemp rope.
 30 September 2012, 09:37
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Didnt it curl??Did you stiff it with white glue??
 30 September 2012, 10:07
Steve Wilson
Excellent Dave, very well done, but fancy being frozen in time with a bullet in the knee. OUCH!!!🙁
 30 September 2012, 10:36
Aghis Barberopoulos
This is very well done, but back in 1981 ? Respect!!!
 30 September 2012, 11:02
Dave Creel kirjailija
Thanks to all for the kind comments. @ Markus, no I un-ravelled it, wet it and stretched it with weight until it dried.
 30 September 2012, 13:28

Album info

Tamiya 250, Tamiya figures - built in 1981

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