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John Colasante
John Colasante

Dh beaver 1/48 Dora wings

Photo 1 of 42


18 16 March, 23:24
Rui S
Nice clean work 👍
1  18 March, 18:07
Guy Rump
Very nice work! 👍
1  18 March, 21:50
Simon O'Gorman
Really nice.
1  18 March, 22:24
Michael Kohl
Nice Beaver
 19 March, 14:08
I agree with everyone above!
 19 March, 16:58

Album info

Includes build steps

42 kuvien
1:48 DHC-2 Beaver (Dora Wings DW48059)
De Havilland Canada L-20A Beaver
US US Air Force (1947-now)
81st TFW 52-6138
1960 - RAF Bentwaters GB
NMF FS16440 FS12197

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