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Alfa Oscar
Ari Oksanen (Alfa Oscar)

Fiat G-50


25 February 2013, 16:37
Christian Meyerhoff
Love to see this Italian bird in scandinavian markings. Very nice indeed!
 25 February 2013, 18:57
Luc B
great build sir! 👍
 26 February 2013, 21:04
Ari Oksanen kirjailija
Thanks fellow modelers! I tried to be as accurate as possible to model historical facts. Nice, that some of you like this.
 28 February 2013, 17:50
Christian Meyerhoff
Well, I do 🙂
 28 February 2013, 18:22
Stefan Suessemilch
That is something really amazing and one of those things I love on scalemates..learning history!! As a German I never knew that the finnish airforce had those "blue Hakenkreuz" markings between 1918-1945
 28 February 2013, 20:01
Dave Flitton
Looks nice!!!
 1 March 2013, 03:29
Mike Grant
Lovely build Ari.
 1 March 2013, 04:36
Christian Lehmann
Very nice build with an interesting camouflages scheme.
 1 March 2013, 06:01
Sebastijan Videc
very nice work - love the combination of Finnish camo with Italian one on the wings!
 1 March 2013, 06:33
Michel Huijghe
Very interesting camo. Never seen that before. 🙂
 1 March 2013, 07:42
Ari Oksanen kirjailija
Thank You all for interesting!

Stefan: Indeed the first national emblem of the Finnish Air Force was a blue "hakenkreuz". It was painted on the very first aircraft of FAF. Thulin D type of aeroplane was donated to us by swedish count Eric von Rosen. The blue swastika was his good luck emblem. (Originally an Indian symbol of sun). By the order of the commander of finnish army, this emblem was to be used as a national recognition mark of our aircraft.

Sebastijan: I like to make models, wich have something that differes from the standard scheme or has other special details. Espcially at the war time our military aircraft had remains of some specialities of the cuontry ,from where they had been got from.
 1 March 2013, 16:29
Stefan Suessemilch
Hi Ari, thanks for the update! Very interesting. 🙂
 2 March 2013, 10:19
Frank Krause
Hi Ari,
it would be a pity, if your interesting info on this G-50 would disappear. If you would add the text into your photoalbum, it would always be on top.
 2 March 2013, 11:12

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Finnish Air Force Fiat G-50

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