17cm K18 - FINAL
2 12 March 2013, 20:19

Excellent build! Very good paint job on the "Matterhorn" and the figure as well. Like to see more of Your work.
12 March 2013, 20:25

Thank you.
@Christian, I had a brief look at your recent work. I like it! The mud on the Henschel looks great.
13 March 2013, 20:36

Believe me - the gun looks much more better in reality than on the pics... Really a great work done by Ingmar.👍
14 March 2013, 19:08

@ Mike: I think that it`s always better to have an outstanding model than a better picture of the real thing. In this case I believe that the pics are great, but the model is very much better indeed🙂
14 March 2013, 19:33

Thank you Mike! And I thought I was a decent photographer... obviously I have to work on my techniques regarding photos of scale models 😉
Christian is right! Better to have nice model and "bad" pictures than the other way.
14 March 2013, 19:58

Christian - I agree - and btw I'm happy that Ingmar join our little IG... S... - sometimes it's better writing in the german language.
14 March 2013, 20:04

@Mike: Da hast Du recht. Ich wollt ja auch nur sagen das ich das Geschütz schweine geil finde 🙂
14 March 2013, 20:09

Jep - Ingmar hatte es bei unserem letzten Treffen mit dabei - hätte ich am liebsten mit nach Hause genommen... (aber ich habe so das Gefühl da spielt er nicht mit😉😢
14 March 2013, 20:13

Welches Treffen? Das letzte mal war ich auf Wangerooge bei Holger und all den anderen Spezialisten. Das war schön!
14 March 2013, 20:18

Bei unserem "klitzekleinen" Stammtisch im Süden der Republik 😄 - Ja ja - und Wangerooge - da streust Du Salz in offene Wunden... - wären gerne dabei gewesen. Marina und ich hoffen das wir das beim nächsten Mal schaffen. Aber jetzt ist erst mal die Ausstellung zu Pfingsten in Munster angepeilt.
14 March 2013, 20:28

I say, that's a big one. Not as big as "Big Bertha" though!!! Longer, but a lot thinner as well... Here's a pic of "Big Bertha":
14 March 2013, 20:29

@Mike: Munster war ich noch nie. Ich glaube da fahr ich mal hin.
14 March 2013, 20:39

Now why would you want to move the "Matterhorn"???
What's the MATTERWITH where it is???😄😄
14 March 2013, 20:44

Vielleicht können wir uns kurzschließen. Melde mich da noch bei Dir (Panzer und eine Ausstellung = einfach geil!)
14 March 2013, 20:44
Album info
I call this one finished. It took me some time but I like the result. It is really a monster, as you can see in comparison to the soldier. I only applied a light cover of pigments, to give it just a slightly used look.
I'm looking forward to show this monster at Oberschleißheim this weekend (March 16./17.).