Arado Ar 240 C-2 nightfighter Revell
Photo 1 of 12
22 March 2013, 15:21

lovely paint job...I'm also a big fan of the subtle panel lines this model has....
22 March 2013, 16:16

Hi Helerson... It was a very nice kit, with no major problems: i am sure you will enjoy it.
22 March 2013, 16:59

great model
what airbrush do you use
how you work, pressure, thinner, and such a distance
22 March 2013, 17:31

Hi Jens, I have 3 airbrushes, but my favored one is the Iwata Eclipse.
Mostly of the time I use Vallejo Aircolor, but if i need to do a mottle i switch to Tamiya or Gunze Aqueos, because they are just a little easier to use (longer drying time on the needle).
Pressure... it depends from what i doing... for general working usually 1.2-1.4 Bar, for more precise jobs (like a mottling) 0.8-1.o Bar. Distance... i have no idea, i never measured it🙂 but of course when i do a precise job i get very close (perhaps 5-10 cm).
Thinner: if i don't need to use the hairspray technique, i use the Tamiya standard one (i think its number is XF 20, not sure) and with the Vallejo, and with the Tamiya and Gunze colors. If i need to use the hairspray technique, I use the simple tap water (alchool based thinners make the colors more resistant, and this is the opposite of what you want when using hairspray technique for chipping).
Hopefully this helps...
22 March 2013, 18:02

thank you
I'll practice some more,
Meander for a '48 BF 110
victim for trying to make a Mosquito Revell 🙂
22 March 2013, 18:06