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P-38J Lightening


5 May 2013, 08:56
Frank Krause
Nice entry, Hind! Like it!
 5 May 2013, 09:37
hind kirjailija
Thank you
 5 May 2013, 11:47
Steve Wilson
 5 May 2013, 13:48
Duncan Cook
nice one.
 5 May 2013, 13:49
Roy McKenzie
Looks great. I have the same kit in my stash, how was your build?
 5 May 2013, 14:59
hind kirjailija
this website is great!
Roy ,this kit is easy to build
one surprise ,you need 10g lead to place in the nose 😉
 5 May 2013, 21:30
Roy McKenzie
Cool, thanks for the heads up. I did pick up some after market decals. Not happy with the look of the kit decals.
 5 May 2013, 22:22
Maarten Kruizenga
nice looking lightning, why the surprise of the 10g?
 5 May 2013, 22:38
hind kirjailija
Maarten ,
because its not mentioned in the building manual ,you must find out yourself how heavy the lead must be.
Sorry for my english. 😉
 6 May 2013, 08:17
Maarten Kruizenga
ok, thanks, i'll keep that in mind if i ever build one, ta'h
 6 May 2013, 14:27
Roy McKenzie
It's good information knowing just how much weight. Hind, your English is OK 🙂
 6 May 2013, 15:09

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