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Job Conger (AeroKnowMuseum)

Fun with Fictionals

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20 January 2014, 23:56
Job Conger kirjailija
I DO build straight from the box models of conventional airplanes too. I"ll share a few pics later this week.
 21 January 2014, 00:22
Ray Seppala
Interesting 'Museum', I had to look twice at the C-47 to see what was different
 21 January 2014, 03:30

Album info

What if there were a "here-to-fore" unknown straight-wing F4U Corsair or a tri-motor Bf-110 or a C-47 with the rear fuselage and tail of an Airspeed Horsa? Those models and more are part of my Unusual Strange Air Force Museum -- USAF Museum for short.

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