28 May 2014, 13:49

Hi Mrblister... Excellent trio there, well done🙂
I'm assuming (always dangerous) the Ferrari is the Tamiya 1:12th😄
28 May 2014, 14:16

You are correct, a big Nigel mansell fan right from the turbo and v12 days. Also got the 1:12 Williams, I must get round to building one day but aircraft took over 🙂
28 May 2014, 22:02

Aaaah!!! yes...
Being waylaid by another genre of Modelling, or something else entirely different altogether.
Been there done that, including at the moment, 4 projects on the go modelling wise...
And the wife has some jobs for me to do, which is holding my modelling up!!!
29 May 2014, 06:45

Have you thought of shaving the upper lip, elocution lessons will help with the Brummie accent...
There is help available;)
Just teasing Lol!!! (((😄 )))
29 May 2014, 06:56

Very nice...also built the Ferrari many Years ago...excellent kit!
29 May 2014, 08:04

wish i had the 1:12 Senna MP4 McClaren in my stash, the one with the see through body.
29 May 2014, 13:26
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