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Built By Mary
Mary Lawton (Built By Mary)

Academy F-15E.

Photo 1 of 10


31 December 2014, 23:20
Es-haq Khosravi
That is great!!!
 1 January 2015, 01:03
Mats Bengtsson
 1 January 2015, 08:20
Christian Bruer
Nice and clean paint work, very well done bird.
 1 January 2015, 08:34
Christian Ristits
Fantastic Job!
 1 January 2015, 16:56
Andre Hoencher
Very nice Eagle, great Model. 🙂
 1 January 2015, 17:02
Mike Kryza
Great Jet 👍
 24 March 2015, 20:59
Steve -
Very classy looking bird; nice job on the paint.
 24 March 2015, 22:36
Peter Tong
Great work !
 24 March 2015, 22:46
 24 March 2015, 23:13
soheil moghisi
perfect.really nice.
 25 March 2015, 11:40
Holger Kranich
Indeed a nice example of your skills, Mary! Can you please tell me what kind of pod is there in the centerline of the belly?
 25 March 2015, 12:49
Antonio Vitelli
I'm impressed, awesome!
 25 March 2015, 15:53
Cristian Bordina
Wow, great job 😄
 25 March 2015, 15:58
Roberto Rocat
Very nice.
 11 August 2015, 14:19
Mike Kryza
 11 August 2015, 16:55
Choppa Nutta
Nicely done, I like the way it's mounted with the boom towards the rear of the aircraft leaving the front uncluttered by the stand 🙂
 11 August 2015, 17:19
Mary Lawton kirjailija
Thanks guys very kind.
 11 August 2015, 22:50
Ray Seppala
Very Nice build mark 👍 Did you make the stand?
 12 August 2015, 01:17
Mary Lawton kirjailija
The stand is an academy branded one. Though the base of it is weight down heavily with about 600 grams of sinkers I think I will update the stand and build a new one soon it's not very stable.
 12 August 2015, 01:23
Ivo Fanczi
Awesome work
 12 August 2015, 02:31
Kerry COX
A well thought out presentation of a top build Mary and the weapons load out is neat and tidy. 🙂 👍.
Well done mate. 👍 👍
 12 August 2015, 02:44
Bulldog Scale Models
Really a great build and the paint it is really good, well done Mary
 12 August 2015, 07:33
John Thomas
Very nice
 12 August 2015, 11:52
Steve -
Mary you might give a old, old-timers trick on the base stand.😎 Try turning the vertical part the other way around. Sometimes the change will keep the plane more over the base, instead of leaning forward so much.
 18 August 2015, 23:04
Mary Lawton kirjailija
my husband cut a new stand out for it already will post soon thanks steve
 20 August 2015, 08:01

Album info

Build from November 2014 complete OOB.

10 kuvien
1:48 F-15E Strike Eagle with weapon (Academy 12264)

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