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Damien Battersby (austlighthorse)



17 January 2015, 11:14
Scott Dutton
Nice photos, increase depth of field by decreasing aperture if you can, try about f/12
 17 January 2015, 13:21
Looks great 👍 A photo of the whole thing would be nice 🙂
 28 January 2015, 17:57
Damien Battersby kirjailija
Will try
 29 January 2015, 01:07
Matthias Weiss
You did a good job on that one, the quality of the Elite kit is nothing you can really influence.
Looking at the pictures closely really shows some issues on that kit in my opinion. I think the wood panels could have been made much nicer and crispier in detail. But that´s not your bad, that´s the kit itself.
What I really like are the tires of these vehicles, they look very real! 👍
 29 January 2015, 03:25
Kim Branders
Nice Camo scheme. 👍
 29 January 2015, 06:59
Damien Battersby kirjailija
The paint for the tyres is from the lifecolor black series and yes it is really good. As for the Elite kit the large back wall is made out of plastic card and it took a bloody lot of work just get it to look like this I am not into planes but this kit nearly flew out the window a few times. Yes it does have a few flat spots I could of scratched in the wood grain but !
 29 January 2015, 09:19

Album info

G 'day it has been one very long time since I posted anything but now have new camera and photo cabinet. OK the truck is AFV Clubs Bussing Nag L4500S quite a good kit to put together. Now the trailer on the other hand is by Elite and believe me it is anything but Elite I have tried the best I can to make it look as good as I can all the instructions are in German and all the sheets are very dark photo copies. Sorry about the pics will try and do better later. All criticism welcome especially what I can do better. Oh and for those of you who do not know the yellow triangle on the truck roof should only be up when towing it lets other vehicles approaching that it is a long vehicle.

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