"Grumman F-14 Tomcat" Revell (1981)
Photo 1 of 102
16 March 2015, 18:04

Oh the old revell offering! I´ll take a seat, Gareth! I´m eager to see what you make of it!
16 April 2015, 15:07

You might have some difficulty shrinking that full size seat to fit mate. :-O Good luck 🙂 LOL.
(I know it's only a photo) ;-/
8 May 2015, 13:17

I wasn't expecting to cut so much out of the cockpit. I think the work will be worth it in the end.
8 May 2015, 14:01

Holger, It's developing nicely mate, and no doubt it will keep you busy for a while yet. 🙂
13 May 2015, 23:36

Is it ever keeping me busy Kerry. Nothing actually fits in the cockpit so more trimming. I have also removed the pilots arse and still he sits too high. :-/
14 May 2015, 19:12

Tell him to adjust his darn seat. LOL. I was thinking about maybe putting pilots in mine when I build it,but you are giving me second thoughts. I bought the Tamiya PE set to use in mine also. Just the zoom set.
14 May 2015, 23:20

That's what happens when you build old kits, there MR. Kerry sir. LOL.
15 May 2015, 02:26

And the membership to that "Oldies" club is getting bigger too Cliff. I think it's because there is a tad more skill bought to bare on them to get them looking pretty. 🙂
15 May 2015, 21:07

I'm a member. "Oldies" and "Cheap" Club, for ever hehehe. Sorry mates I couldn't resist... 😄 👍
2 June 2015, 01:06

So am I,can't help it! I finally have all of the "Goodies" for mine, so it will be my next project after the Mig-29GT.
2 June 2015, 02:19

I was just saying to Rui S, The pe is so much a part of all kit builds today, but the results are always spectacular. 🙂
2 June 2015, 02:41

That is true Kerry. There are no PE sets for the Mig 29GT,so I had to use decals and paint for the IP's but they turned out nice. I scratch built the throttles. Now just need to add some sidewall detail to the pit.
2 June 2015, 03:01

Gareth, Sprue Brothers sells a 1/32 1/48 and 1/72 U.S. Missle decal sheet if you want markings for your Phonex, Sparrow's and sidewinders.
2 June 2015, 03:07

Thanks Clifford that sounds like a good idea, it would be a shame to put the detail into the plane and leave the missiles untouched. I also have the Mig-29 UB/GT (another cheap kit Kerry), Revell have done quite a nice job on this and the after market metal undercarriage looks good and maybe a couple of PJ Russian pilots. Although I may have to have it being chased by this Tomcat across my son's ceiling…….Might have to create the launching Sidewider with "pipe cleaner" smoke.
2 June 2015, 09:44

Pipe cleaner smoke !!!!That sounds amazing mate. How is it done. ??
Speaking of chasing things, I have always wanted to do an "In flight refuelling dio", Imagine THAT. !! 🙂
2 June 2015, 11:49

Think you are on to something there Kerry. I have two Airfix Sea Vixens and a photo of them refuelling each other, that could look fantastic. As for the smoke...drill out the back of the missile so you can stuff the wire from a pipe cleaner in it.....then.....stuff a pipe cleaner in it....ta da...but seriously, start it like that then build up the smoke volume by adding more pipe cleaners (wind them around each other). Spray yellow and orange to create the blast at the missile, and then grey into white. Make sure the "smoke" envelopes the missile rail and goes back past it. This won't work for a sparrow missile on my F-14 as they ignite away from the aircraft.
2 June 2015, 14:59

Kerry, Just found a picture of a Sea Vixen refuelling an American F105. That could be a different diorama.
2 June 2015, 15:07

That's good to hear. I am going to order the F-14 Detail set for Tamiya for mine, I bought the zoom set, but then found out the other set has all the canopy details, so will get that so I have the canopy sills, canopy locks etc. Plus still need to get a set of resin wheels.
11 June 2015, 21:27

Nice !!
this kit is going on the wish list 🙂
are those panel lines recessed or have re-scribed them all ? 🙂
18 June 2015, 15:49

Thanks Choppa. This model is turning out to be a lot of work so thankfully the panel lines and all recessed, I can't imagine re-scribing an aircraft this size (well I can which is why I am not re-sribing my Martlet). There really isn't much to this kit and having looked on line at what other people have done you can really go to town and test your scratch building skills. I am having fun with it, but as I am getting back into the hobby I am using it to gently test myself with a little bit of scratch build and some detailing kit.
18 June 2015, 19:19

Scratch building is just the best therapy for overcoming any doubts about all your other modelling skills you may have, as you, (As Clint Eastwood said) 'Adapt, improvise, and overcome'. Creative juices get you high in the nicest possible way. 🙂 👍.
And the big cat is certainly developing into a great build Gareth, for sure mate. 🙂
18 June 2015, 20:33

Gareth, are you using the kit exhaust nozzels? or aftermarket ones? The Aires ones are 45.00 and I know my wife isn't about to let me spend $45 on a set of exhausht nozzles.
18 June 2015, 22:40

Thanks again Kerry. I probably would have just built this kit straight out of the box a while ago, but looking at some of the builds on this website makes you want to do a little better and literally think outside the box (loving the sprue caster wheels Kerry). And yes Clifford, I am using the original exhausts. A few reasons for this, first is that I am building the aircraft "in flight" so I don't have to worry about the "relaxed port exhaust". Second, with the eduard detail inside they look pretty good, although not deep enough. Thirdly I am going to experiment painting these. I saw a Star Wars StarDestroyer with the engine glow painted in. I am going to try painting the white and orange blast inside and last but not least……I ain't paying that for resin exhausts, I still have kids to feed and a wife to keep moderately happy.
19 June 2015, 11:07

And today I realised that it would have been better the first time to fix thing inside the canopy with Kristal Klear not super glue. Good job I have a micro mesh kit.
"Every day is a school day"
19 June 2015, 11:48

I have found if I dip my canopies in future and use superglue in small amounts I don't have any problems. I will defenitley be using resin wheels,and the kit exhaust. I like you have a wife to try and keep happy. My kids are all grown and gone.
21 June 2015, 17:34

Thanks Holger, Clifford. The toilet tissue worked quite well in the end. I've seen a build where a guy used modeling clay for the covers, but the tissue is thinner and has a nice fabric look once it's painted.
26 June 2015, 22:59

I will try that with mine. I used that techinique for soundproofing on my Testor's 1/32 Huskie helicopter.
26 June 2015, 23:07

Bet that looks good in the Helo Clifford. The technique comes in quite handy especially for making canvas covers and scratch built tents etc (one for you Kerry). I tried dipping my canopy but the future just ran off or pooled so I gave up. What's the trick to this? I need to learn it as I have just bought my third Phantom and I think this will come in handy.
29 June 2015, 13:31

lol, the plane is big Ivo, 61cm from front to back. I have no idea where I am putting it when I'm finished.
29 June 2015, 14:15

Turn it into a 3D picture by attaching it firmly to a Diorama base, frame it and hang it on the wall 🙂
(above shoulder height to avoid any "Hanger Rash" 🙂 )
29 June 2015, 14:33

What a Monster Gareth - and very well executed so far! I am very excited how it will look when its painted and decaled!
29 June 2015, 18:27

I dip mine using a pair of forceps, then shake the excess off where it pools then let it dry. Most of the excess will run off as the future is fairly thin, but it does stay on even though it may not look like it. I usually do mine twice. Hope that helps. When you shake the excess off, the remaining future will self level.
29 June 2015, 23:53

Ok, so a quick update. As expected the fitting of the Eduard kit has not been straight forward. The extra parts are designed for Tamiya so no surprise that they do not simply fit in the Revell kit, but goodness me. The seats now touch the canopy and the front glass does not fit at the moment due to the new parts. I have now removed all of my aircrew's arses and the pilots feet had to go too, I also had to heat and bending his arm to get it in. It does seem like Revell have made up some of the dimensions. This will be a nice looking model in the end but it is testing/developing my skills. Not too sure my idea worked for the green glass either, too ripplie and "in your face" green. Oh well, nothing that can't be undone.
1 July 2015, 09:39

I have (and still am) thinking about that Kerry. I didn't want to because of the "seat pan handle" but I think I am going to have to.......GGGGggggrrrrr
1 July 2015, 11:35

Well, 'Little people' and gays can be in the services now, so a shorter seat is not going to look unusual, do you.??? LOL 🙂 👍
1 July 2015, 12:20

We do have a pilot here on Search and Rescue who is very short. I don't know how he gets his feet on the yaw pedals. Not sure he bats for the other team though, mind you, he does dress as though he is a little light in the loafers.
2 July 2015, 18:24

Gareth, It is all developing nicely, the crew look the part, and I see one has no oxygen hose to his face mask.
Do you have after market for that or do you make your own. ?
I make mine from winding thin copper wire around a sewing needle, covering it with 'clear fix' and then winding the coms cable around all that when the CF is dry.🙂
Take a look at my B-17G build, I have just posted an image of what I mean.🙂God Damm volcanoe's !! | Album by RedRoo
Cheers. 👍
2 July 2015, 18:40

The hose is part of the extras with the figures. I haven't put the other guys on as I have turned his head and it was easier to paint him before I stuck it on. I even have patches to put on their arms. I like the sound of the scratch build tube, I will be doing some of that for hoses on the Phantom diorama.
2 July 2015, 19:23

I use electric guitar strings to make oxygen hoses, with smaller wire wrapped around them for com cords.
3 July 2015, 15:34

Very nice and clean modelmaking. Don't know why I missed this so far.
3 July 2015, 17:07

Well the green glass didn't work. It looked far too bright and had ripples. So I bought Tamiya clear green and will spray it on like I should have done in the first place.
6 July 2015, 18:02

Thanks for the kind words. The build is going slower than I thought, but I am only building in my lunch breaks and I'm putting quite a few extras in.
Holger, maybe I should have saved the crew for my Tiefighter build.😉
7 July 2015, 18:07

Gareth, by the looks, the tinted front glass looks just right, and the cockpit is looking primed and ready for launch.
Great attention to detail mate, you have done extremely well.
Congratz. 🙂 👍 👍.
10 July 2015, 20:52

Thank you Kerry. The temptation to slap it together and just get it finished is always there, but looking at alot of people's work on this website makes me want to do a bit better than I've done before. I know I'm not great but I am loving building this and it should look pretty good when I'm done.
10 July 2015, 23:20

What make you great mate is the fact that you are getting a ton of support and inspiration from others, and the fact that YOU want to do more with your detailing and the absolute joy that comes with what all the Scalemates say about what they see.👍 👍 👍then you know you have done it 'right'. lol 🙂
I know that when I see supportive and encouraging comments on my work, it just makes my day.🙂
You are most deserving of all the accolades you have received here Gareth, and I have gained a lot of great help and tips from you that I am most grateful for.
Good on ya mate. 🙂 🙂 👍.
Cheers. 😉
10 July 2015, 23:34

Thanks Clifford. I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into the rest of the aircraft now.
13 July 2015, 18:28

I'm waiting to see how your's comes out before I tackle mine, I have all of the goodies for it now, guess I'm just chicken. LOL.
13 July 2015, 22:38

You won't have anything to worry about with the Tamiya kit Clifford.
14 July 2015, 16:37

Ok kids. The front section is on and the cockpit sealed. Lots of over hang and gaps.......yeay :/ Oh well, let the filling and rubbing begin.
15 July 2015, 18:49

Gareth, They were a very "Clunky" kit in the beginning and I had the first issue and there were quite large gaps, but I hope your happy with the great results you have achieved so far mate. ? 🙂 👍.
15 July 2015, 19:02

I'm enjoying it for sure. I'm not a rivet counter which is good as there are a few bits wrong with the kit, but over all the model is a good shape and I think I can make this dinosaur roar. The key is (as I found building the Revell Cobra) to relax and enjoy making it.
15 July 2015, 21:14

Gareth, You nailed it mate. Smell the flowers as you take your time enjoying what it is giving you.
Lot's of fun. 🙂 👍.
15 July 2015, 22:14

It sure is looing good Gareth. I built the Revell Cobra also, I used Cobra CO;s. excellent resin cockpit set for it. It turned out very nice and I enjoyed every minute of it.
16 July 2015, 16:01

The Big ED set is designed for Tamiya and was on sale on Amazon. I actually didn't need quite a few bits of it. Because I am doing the Tomcat in flight I won't be using the "remove before flight" flags or any undercarriage parts. The masking doesn't match the revell kit and the external details have the formation lights in.
21 July 2015, 23:20

Yea i here the tamiya tomcat in that scale is realy good and bloody expensive around $400 AU
22 July 2015, 08:19

I forgot just how big this kit is Gareth. I built mine so many years ago when they first came out . 🙂
And seeing it in your window bought it all back to me.LOL
22 July 2015, 08:35

When will I learn? Do not put aerials and pitot masts (and anything else pointy) on the model until the last minute. 5th repair to the pitot tube on the nose.....AAAAAaaaaaaaaah
23 July 2015, 11:47

I know, school boy error. I got carried away sticking bits on.
23 July 2015, 12:50

@ Gareth. If it will be easier for You, I make that same mistake every single time. I tell to my self: "Never again", but I do it on my very next model. That's how it is. You just have to learn to live with it and don't let it get to You, like me 🙂
23 July 2015, 12:53

when i´m in a "flow" glueing bits and pieces, that sometime happens to me too...
23 July 2015, 13:07

I know Marko. I did the same with the Cobra too. The problem with the F-14 is that it's 61cm long and I am tucking it under my arm while I am sanding the seams and the filler back. I have kept some of the pointy bits on the sprue.
23 July 2015, 13:07

I think I will get a "Pointy Bits Pot" next time and put the parts in it at the begining of the build to remove the temptation.
23 July 2015, 13:10

good plan and make sure the nose is the very last one you do !! 🙂
No crash is more painful than hanger rash ! 😄
23 July 2015, 13:27

Even if I wait until last, I always manage to break something pointy off every time. I find a spot that needs touched up or something, and bam, I break something off. I broke the rearview mirror off the Spitfire I finished today 4 times, I was ready to throw it.
24 July 2015, 00:54

Thank your stars we all do exactly the same thing, and I got to the stage of covering all these things with a piece of Blue Tack. 🙂
24 July 2015, 01:46

Where can I get Blue Tack, I hear about it all the time, and see it used in build videos but have never seen the stuff "HERE" USA.
24 July 2015, 01:53

It is like "Poster Putty" (For hanging posters without pins) and there are a lot of guys here on SM that use a white product which is similar for masking armour, and for the life of me, the name escapes me.
But anyone reading this post will certainly be able to help you out with the name if it. 🙂 )y)
GOOGLES ANSWER.............Office Depot, Wal Mart, Hobby Lobby and a lot of other places have it.. it's not called Blue Tac at all places. Just look for things like Plasti-Tac (Hobby Lobby), Fun - Tac etc... it will look like a set of clay strips in the container. But it's not always blue. Just ask them for that clay stuff you tack memos and pictures up with and they should know what ya mean.
24 July 2015, 03:16

I'm new here, but I can help with some examples of "poster putty" products available here in the US: UHU tac, Scotch (3M) adhesive putty (removable), Elmer's Tac 'N Stik. I've seen poster putty even at local CVS stores, as well as at arts and crafts stores such as AC Moore, Michael's and Hobby Lobby.
I should also mention I've been using a product called Glue Dots in place of poster putty in building models. Glue Dots come in various sizes and are basically small disc-shaped pieces of a clear gum material that is designed for use in scrapbooking, so it's very gentle on paper and, as it turns out, is also gentle on acrylic paint. I've been using Glue Dots to hold pieces on wooden sticks and toothpicks during airbrushing and to hold cowlings onto the front of planes during airbrushing (so I can paint the cowl with the rest of the fuselage before installing the propeller). I've even experimented, so far successfully, with using Glue Dots to mount canopies on cockpits and hatches on tanks, thereby making these pieces "removable".
Recently, a product called Glue Lines has also become available which is a Glue Dot in a small rectangular strip, which I've found even more useful for removably attaching canopies and hatches.
24 July 2015, 03:58

Mark, it sounds like these 'Glue Dots' are reusable with a wash, or do they have a 'limited ' number of uses. ? 🙂 👍
24 July 2015, 05:28

Welcome Mark and thanks for the info. I'm off to Canada soon and a lot of the products are the same there as the States so this is all useful information. 🙂
24 July 2015, 05:30

Glue Dots are designed to be one-use, because they are cheap; a roll of 200 dots can cost $5 (US) or less. However, I have reused dots on the ends of barbecue sticks and toothpicks for airbrushing if paint does not get on them.
This also reminds me of another couple of uses I've found for Glue Dots in painting: plugging holes to prevent paint sprayed on an outside of a model from getting into the interior or vice versa. I've also used Glue Dots to mask small areas where I will eventually need to apply glue or otherwise do not want paint, such as the bogie axles when I'm painting the lower hull a tank or or the locator pins/tabs/holes of part of an aircraft. I was hoping to be able to use the Glue Lines for canopy masks, but the Glue Dots/Glue Lines material is a little too "springy" for this.
Here's a picture of package of Glue Dots:
24 July 2015, 12:43

Have missed to look at this WIP for a while – wow Gareth, that comes out really nice with all the details.
To break parts of working on the model is a common companion to us ship modelers. All ships in scale 1/350 up to cruiser length has to be handled carefully. I build a small support from Styrofoam to place my current build – HMS Belfast – carefully during construction. But if you handle the hull for some work I have the same problem than you with this big bird.
Cheers, Christian
24 July 2015, 18:49

Thank you Christian. I am learning all the time and this is a good scale to do it on. I don't think I am quite ready to put shells in a 1:350 poem poem gun yet!
And the frustration of breaking things is not made any better as all you experienced guys tell me you are all still breaking stuff. Great! So as I get better I will also get older and still break stuff.............oh f@#k
24 July 2015, 22:07

You have a lot to look forward to Gareth. 🙂
Women break nails after painting them. !! :-O
24 July 2015, 22:32

Yes, some men too, so I've hear, not that I know about that sort of thing..........
24 July 2015, 22:40

Oh, and the joy of the heavy handed duster. Oh shit, I'm going to need a glass cabinet as I do more. My wife could do destruction testing for VW car doors! I swear the glass nearly went the other week as she "closed" the door.
24 July 2015, 22:55

I break my nails all the time, bloody annoying !!
especially if one is in the mood to play Capricho Arabe !! 😄
But I aint in the habit of painting them, but that doesn't stop me from getting paint on them .........
24 July 2015, 23:12

Thanks John, she getting there. And yes everyone, I broke the nose prob AGAIN! At this point I am considering cutting it off and putting it back on later.....much later
29 July 2015, 18:38

Try some small brass tubing. I have had good results. Drill out hole in nose for tubing. Install at end ang done
30 July 2015, 12:18

...... Yes that's right Gareth, advice can only be free as part of the introductory offer,
I'm afraid from now on you will have to book an appointment in advance at the "Advice Clinic"
Re. the booking an appointment, do you want a 30 minute session or the full half hour ? 😄
30 July 2015, 13:41

And if I may add, every fifth session should be free. After all, we live in a tough times with the recession going on.😉
30 July 2015, 14:59

Thanks guys. I am enjoying the build. Missile decals are in the post and looking forward to the weathering.
7 September 2015, 16:49

Very professional work, cant wait to see it with more progress!
7 September 2015, 17:20

Masking tape took some paint off the nose....Aaaaaah
8 September 2015, 18:46

Yes, Clifford, but nothing that can't be sorted. Worst case it will become part of the weathering.
8 September 2015, 22:57

I haven't tried salt weathering before Holger but seen it done with great effect. Not sure I am that brave to try it just yet.
8 September 2015, 23:00

Like the stripe under the anti-glare painting! Looks like a racer👍
9 September 2015, 19:53

Thanks Holger. It came out better than I expect. I had my fingers crossed it would come out straight and thin enough.
10 September 2015, 18:12

Looking awesome Gareth. I think that will be my next project after the "Bone".
12 September 2015, 00:08

Haven't being here to look for a while – wow you made a very nice progress Gareth.
14 September 2015, 06:49

Thanks guys. Had an operation on my left shoulder and given that I'm right handed, the time off ment I could spend some time on this. Still learning as I go along and my painting pickup is to lightly rub down the primer before applying the other layers! I am getting better at using the the airbrush too, well I think I am. And yes the nose probe is off AGAIN and will not go back on until the end.
14 September 2015, 10:12

Using an oil and turps pin wash for the first time. Because of the nice recessed panel lines it's going on quite well.
15 September 2015, 12:35

Looks fine Gareth. Oils are the best medium for washes! By the way, I use lighter fluid to thin the oils and to clean up the surfaces later. It works nice and it is not as aggressive as turpentine etc.
15 September 2015, 13:26

Thank's for the tip guys. I will keep that in mind for next time. I like the way you can streak and blend the oils.
15 September 2015, 20:37

I will try the lighter fluid trick also. Sounds neat. The "CAT" looks great.
15 September 2015, 20:50

Just put the final matt varnish on and as I unmasked the canopy to discover there is a load of dust on the inside ! Aaaaaaaaaaaah
17 September 2015, 18:29

Nice Cat! I miss some of my friends from VF-154 - I was in VFA-192 before the Black Knights left and the Diamondbacks took their spot in CVW-5. 🙂
17 September 2015, 20:25

Oh YES! What a big bird and great build! The paintjob looks very realistic, congrats!
18 September 2015, 05:26

Ups, dust inside the closed canopy - nobody likes such a surprise. No chance to repair it – an opening at the underside to try to clean it with an airbrush? Otherwise the Cat looks perfect. I much like the subtle weathering and panel lines.
18 September 2015, 18:09

Ups indeed Christian. I think I am going to have to gently try to cut the canopy away to fix it. Not great but I guess it happens. Thank you for the compliment, it means a lot coming from a modeler of your caliber. I have seen either no weathering or heavy weathering on Tomcat models. I went subtle as the aircraft itself was never heavily weathered before it crashed in the Adriatic sea in 1994.
18 September 2015, 22:42

You're welcome Gareth and thx for your very kind comment. From my point of view the degree of weathering depends on the real thing but should be in a degree to the scale. The smaller the scale the lesser the effects. Same is with accentuating panel lines. As mentioned before you kept it very well🙂
19 September 2015, 12:37

Thank you.
Just finishing the ordnance and working out how to break in to the cockpit to get rid of the dust.
20 September 2015, 23:48

Gareth, Maybe, if you drilled a hole in the nose wheel undercarriage compartment, big enough for you to push a tube that is attached to your compressed air, you COULD bring enough pressure to bear that will dislodge what ever dust is in there. ??? That is just a radical thought and, beats the hell out of damaging the canopy, unless you have a replacement canopy handy. 🙂 :-/
21 September 2015, 00:43

Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement during the build and your kind comments. Learned a lot on this one (like don't stick plenty bits on until the end because they just break off). Most of all, I enjoyed marking it. This kit from 1981 ended up being pretty good.
2 October 2015, 14:30

Wow mate, 🙂, and after your "Snapfest" (breaking bits off), it turned out beautifully. 🙂
So, where is it going to be stored after all that Gareth. ?
Some where safe I trust. 🙂
Well done mate. 👍
2 October 2015, 18:29

always dremed of this kit when is was very young... to see it displayed like this feels good! such an old kit, such a beauty...
3 October 2015, 08:31

Thank's mates. I chose to display the Tomcat like this because it was so big, if I didn't pin it up on a ceiling where would I put it without being knocked off it's wheels. Also, some aircraft just look great in the air where they are supposed to be. For the most part, this kit has stood the test of time and with a little bit after scratch build and aftermarket purchases it's turned out quite nicely. While you undoubtedly get more model with the 1/32 Tamiya or Trumpeter, do you get over £100 more?
Kerry, it looks like it will sit at my mum & dad's house, or I box it (carefully) while I move to Canada.
3 October 2015, 10:44

Cheers everyone. A friend took some pictures for me (he has a new lense for his camera) and did a super job, ......but that dust in the cockpit...I know I know, I have to just let it go.
"Grumman F-14A Tomcat" Revell | Album by Windz (1:32)
20 October 2015, 15:32
Album info
Lunch break project as I build this model that someone literally just gave to me. Kit is showing its age but has some nice panel lines. Will try to make an Eduard BIG ED kit for Tamiya fit.