Under construction
November 9, 2015first full surfacer session - mixed feelings as always2
November 9, 2015windshield, molded together with a thick "lip" - part of neighboring fuselage. Poor fit and Swords weird engineering...3
November 9, 2015Misawa rescribed, attachment point remade to the version without aerodynamic "sleeve"4
November 9, 2015air intake vents improved (at least a bit). Area in front of instrument panel completely remodelled with plastic strips and big dose of thick superglue. - original part is too short and has a wrong angle, resulting in wide gaps.5
November 9, 2015rockets from Eduard F6F6
November 9, 2015Headrest adjusted7
November 9, 2015all good kit parts are on the bottom side 🙂)8
November 17, 2015grafting windshield - worst part of the kit hands down.9
November 17, 2015...and tailplanes. Yet to be rescribed.10
December 6, 2015After various plastic surgery disasters, kit is finally in its base alclad coat.Especially the partial riveting didn't end up as I wanted, but overall, me vs. kit = honorable draw I would say 🙂11
December 6, 2015lot of stuff still in various stages12
December 6, 2015first colors... the blue should have a hair thin black outline. I will try to find suitable decals. Tail is fine, but nose would be quite hard to mask.13
December 13, 2015almost all the little stuff is in Alclad. Just the canopy and some little u/c struts are missing.14
December 13, 2015decals at last! they are very stubborn, repeated Hypersol treatment softens them a lot, but they still don't copy the panel lines...15
December 13, 2015btw the black outlines around the blue trim were taken from an Airfix Swordfish decal sheet. It's just that line which divides decal options 🙂 works perfectly.16
December 14, 2015wingtanks attached...17
December 14, 2015other stuff too...not all yet.18
December 14, 201519
December 16, 2015wash...20
December 16, 201521
December 16, 2015
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