Моё рабоче место. My work place.
17 November 2015, 10:27

Buy or order may be on the manufacturer's website - denisssmodels.ru/, I am not a manufacturer, they are my good friends.
Приобрести или заказать можно на сайте производителя - denisssmodels.ru/, я не производитель, это мои хорошие друзья.
20 November 2015, 05:43

Wilfried Tersago, Yes, this airbrush. To his right, paint the table, he is locked in the open there is a grating under which the fan, the fan also has a top, about a meter above the table for coloring.
23 November 2015, 14:53

So 'uncluttered' bright and clean, and I should imagine, it would be hard to remove your self from such comfortable and functional surrounds once your seated. :-/
Thank you for all the great images and possibilities. 🙂 👍
23 November 2015, 19:56
Album info
Моё рабочее место, производство - www.denisssmodels.ru, справа вытяжная вентиляция, два вентилятора, снизу и сверху, очень удобно.
My workplace, production - www.dishmodels.ru, the right exhaust ventilation, two fans, top and bottom, is very convenient.