Curtiss SB2C-4 Helldiver - FINISHED
11 4 December 2015, 19:51

I want to express my sincere thanks to Wolfpack.
I bought the Helldiver Wingfold set which contained two right wings.
On my email they sent me without charge a complete replacement set from Korea.
4 December 2015, 19:55

Now I can slowly start - maybe during Christmas Holidays?
4 December 2015, 19:56

Hallo Thomas und Glückwunsch zu dem Set 👍 der macht wirklich Spaß, was ich auf den Bildern vermisse sind die Ätzteile ! Ich habe das ja schon verbaut und schaue dann gern zu 👍 zumal eine wirklich ausgefallene Lackierung ansteht 🙂
1 August 2017, 17:00

You're all welcome!
Jens: du hast recht, ich hätte mir einige Arbeit sparen können mit den richtigen Ätzteilsets! Eigentlich wollte ich auch nicht viel investieren ("OOB"😢 aber dann kam alles wieder anders. Bis jetzt macht der Bau aber Spass, bin gespannt wie sich das Wingfoldset einbauen lässt.
3 August 2017, 18:07

Ich war zufrieden, nur habe ich oft nicht den Anspruch auf das perfekte Modell gestellt, zu dem habe ich noch den Eduard Set verbaut, was den Fahrwerkschacht praktisch neu entstehen lässt. Ich schau aber weiter zu 👍
3 August 2017, 19:20

Schöner Start, bin gespannt auf das Ergebnis! Wird es die Maschine auf dem Foto mit dem Rescue Schriftzug?
4 August 2017, 07:01

@David: zu meiner Überraschung gibt's von Victory Productions einen Decalsatz mit genau dieser Maschine.
6 August 2017, 08:02

Cool project, I like the the livery ! What colour is the Nose and the backdrop for the Rescue lettering ?
I would love it to be yellow, but more likely it was white ?
10 September 2017, 18:56

Thank you all for the kind words - I make only slow progress due to heavy workload in the office.
@Hanno: Background is yellow - and there are even well researched! decals available for that camo. By the way: the rudder and wingtips are also yellow. It's like early Christmas 🙂
10 September 2017, 19:27

Yummie ! Checkin' in ! 😄
Just found a pile of helldiver pictures on this site axis-and-allies-pain.._viewtopic.php?523.0
especially this one :
10 September 2017, 19:50

Hanno: thanks for the link! Most pictures were completely unknown to me! The picture of the Hawaiian SB2C-5's is also printed in the Detail&Scale volume.
Unfortunately it looks as if the Victory Productions decalset is currently not on sale 🙁
11 September 2017, 09:58

Bei Ultracast wohl noch zu haben 🙂
11 September 2017, 11:53

hm .. Wolfpack did a shortcut on the outer wings - the slats should be extended but are modelled in closed position.
It's either cutting the resin wing and replace the outer part with the kit part or leave it - there exists one picture of a SBW-4E also showing folded wings with closed slats
12 September 2017, 20:16

Servus Thomas, da ist mir dann doch ein Fehler passiert 😄 , ich habe den Wolfpack Set ohne Umbau verarbeitet, aber wie es ausschaut , echt klasse Arbeit 👍 👍 👍 die sich wohl lohnt 🙂
24 October 2017, 09:55

Danke Jens! Hoffe es klappt - zum Glück hab ich drei rechte Flügel, wenn's nicht funktioniert verbau ich einfach eine der Reserven 🙂
24 October 2017, 09:59

after a "short" break I have taken up work on the Helldiver again. My first try with cutting the resin wing apart to glue on the outer wing from the kit was not very satisfying so I tried with the second wing to cut out the slat and add a vacformed insert. This worked now quite well.
1 April 2018, 13:19

Hallo Thomas, schön das es weiter geht 👍 wusstest Du das es für die Helldiver auch Vacuhauben gibt ?? , Ich warte auf meine, wie die sich dann am Modell macht, werde ich berichten 🙂
5 May 2018, 21:38

Hallo Jens, ich weiss, dass es im Falcon Set 7 eine gibt, die sei aber nicht verwendbar, weil für den alten Monogram Bausatz gedacht (Zitat Bernhard Schrock aus Jet&Prop 4/98). Alle anderen Klarsichtteile passen bei mir nicht schlecht, das Frontteil sogar hervorragend! Die Klarsichtteile sind auch schon Interiorgreen gespritzt und einbaubereit.
6 May 2018, 05:47

Danke Thomas 👍 👍 👍 , das spart mir wohl Ärger, denn wenn Berhard schon schreibt, nicht verwendbar, dann muss ich doch eine komplett neue Kanzel haben 🙁, Revell hatte zwar Ersatz zugesagt, aber ich warte schon 2 Jahre .... da war die Hoffnung auf die Falcon 🙂 , Monogram ist Revell und hatte die Helldiver ja auch aus den gleichen Formen, in den USA im Angebot , nun dann bekommt meine einen Stoffbezug auf die Glasteile, einen Überzug gegen das Salzwasser auf See ..... 😄
6 May 2018, 07:00

You have done some really nice modifications to this kit, and it shows! It looks great! 👍 Following!
6 May 2018, 07:23

Looking great Thomas! Never knew this Revell kit was that nice. Must buy me one too 🙂
10 May 2018, 20:27

Thanks Erik - this is a really nice kit but sold out currently, not even Evil Bay has it!
10 May 2018, 20:38

Thanks Adam! Your comment gives me support to continue with scratchbuilding a K-20 camera to go into the rear cockpit 🙂
11 May 2018, 19:29

Thanks Björn!
Huge success today! I finished the first part for the Helldiver - it's a scratchbuilt replica of the Fairchild K-20 camera used by the US Navy which will go into the rear cockpit to fill some empty space 🙂. - see pictures 29/30
17 May 2018, 06:36

Thanks Spanjaard! I built it while preparing the Helldiver for the primer (kind of looping there and still not satisfied)
17 May 2018, 06:39

Thomas, looks 'pretty' nice, you see me impressed. Will she be thinned, ehm sorry primed next weekend?
17 May 2018, 19:24

yes Thomas - the plan is to mask and prime over the long weekend.
17 May 2018, 20:22

Thanks Gordon!
Finally finished masking the whole stuff and have started painting using black primer first 🙂
1 June 2018, 12:37

somehow managed to miss this so far.....It is a great looking project so far....did you spray the star as well?
31 July 2018, 06:34

Thank you all for your kind comments!
Wim: the insigna is also airbrushed because the photo of the real thing shows a bleached out paintjob so I sprayed the star darker on the bottom and lighter on top. If you know this you see it in some of the pictures 🙂.
31 July 2018, 18:17

long time no update .. loaded some new pictures, slowly progressing to the end 🙂
2 December 2018, 10:39

Your little advances are just a WOW on the details, just awesome to see how it grows 👍 👍 👍 👍
2 December 2018, 10:59

Thank you all! In the meantime I have finished the wheels
3 December 2018, 21:17

some progress... had to fix paintjob on the wings as unmasking the US stars tore off some paint.
27 December 2018, 15:15

Thomas, Neato torpedo! (No pun intended!) I knew about USAAF 8th AF P-47D rescue birds in the ETO, but not USN rescue birds in the PTO, except for PBY Catalinas and OS2U Kingfishers. You're doing great, keep up the great work!
27 December 2018, 16:23

Georgeous Details Thomas.. The Wingfolding mechanism looks awesome 👍
8 January 2019, 19:28

Many thanks for all your kind regards. I spent Christmas and New Year to advance mostly on all remaining small and minor issues and managed that the Beast is now finally standing on its own legs!
13 January 2019, 10:22

I love your attention to detail and the execution of it! 👍 This is going to be a real stunner!
13 January 2019, 12:57

After more than 3 years this is coming slowly to the end - one wing is attached now and I am test fitting the wing strut for the second wing now.
6 February 2019, 16:05

She is looking really nice! Almost complete! I like your work jig! I need to make one as well.
6 February 2019, 17:19

Thanks Dutch - the Jig is from Evo
6 February 2019, 17:28

She is amazing Thomas. I hope everything will work and you will able to finish It without any problems 👍
6 February 2019, 18:48

I missed this somehow, all the beautiful details 👍 The flaps with holes and red below looks fantastic.
6 February 2019, 19:55

Amazing build! 👍 And I join in with Dutch as to like that jig.
6 February 2019, 19:57

Thank you all!
Yesterday was a "Museum Day" with visit to the Picasso exhibition and to the Kunsthalle Aarau and no work on the Helldiver. Today I have now established the correct length for the second strut, it's painting time 🙂
8 February 2019, 15:47

The model is a great work 👍 - but I think the base is a bit tight. May be that is the reason to put the wings up😉
9 February 2019, 21:27

Amazing. Outstanding work. With attention to the smallest detail.
10 February 2019, 09:06

Wow, that is a beauty of a Helldiver... Fantastic built, Detailwork an paintjob Thomas..👍
Love it!
10 February 2019, 10:15

I like the paint scheme very much, good choice. The work is amazing, a very clean build and an awesome paint job. I like it 👍 👍
10 February 2019, 10:30

Many thanks for your encouraging comments!
Wanted to finish this last weekend before my wife returned from holidays but the struts required more time than anticipated but I finally managed to finish this and have uploaded the final pics 🙂
16 February 2019, 17:13

Hello Thomas, real model art 👍 really nice to look at, a model of the extra class, very very nice work 👍
16 February 2019, 17:45

Thomad, beautiful Beast! Just such a joy to see it complete and enjoy the fine work. You truly are a Fine Scale Modeler! Congratulations. K/r, Dutch
16 February 2019, 19:23

Beautiful work Thomas ! Great blue and yellow scheme, excellent detailing, especially on the wing folding mechanism !👍
16 February 2019, 23:33

Chapeau, Thomas. I look forward seeing it in your display case. It seems you have a pretty skilled employee in your paint shop 🙂
17 February 2019, 10:03

Really fantastic built, absolute craftsmanship ... well done Thomas!
18 February 2019, 19:55
Album info
Helldiver from NAS Kanehoe bay in the Air Sea rescue role.