February 20, 2016Dassault Mirage IIIEBR FAB 4916. This Aircraft was used to intercept an Il-62m from Cubana de Aviacción which entered in Brazilian airspace wothout authorization, heading towards Argentina during the Malvinas/Falklands War2
February 20, 2016Kit Heller/HTC, 1/72. Very basic, I've added bomb suports around the fuel tanks, needles to reproduce the DEFA 30mm guns, a completely new cockpit made from scratch and some details added in the wheel wells.3
February 20, 2016All the high panel lines were rescribed4
February 20, 2016AH-64A Hasegawa 1/725
February 20, 2016Built for a friend.6
February 20, 2016Old Spitfire Mk.IXc 1/72 from Airfix. Completely rebuilt with much more detailed cockpit and all markings were hand painted7
February 20, 2016Control surfaces were detached to simulate a curve.8
February 20, 2016My original plans called for a FW-190A to make a dogfight diorama. Thinking in something else right now...9
February 20, 2016MiG-23M/MF from Academy(wrong claimed as a MiG-23S). Look in internet searching for a different camo pattern for the "red 23".10
February 20, 2016Very simple kit, good to make improvements...But I'm looking to buy the Floggers from Art Model.11
February 20, 2016Boeing/Vertol CH-47 Chinook 1/72, Italeri.12
February 20, 2016Got this for a friend, half-built. Not quite a easy building.13
February 20, 201614
February 20, 2016Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIc from Hobbyboss, 1/72, Snap. A joy to build, I've downgraded'er to the Mk.I model.15
February 20, 2016Markings from the RAF's 134Sq based in Murmansk, during 194116
February 20, 2016Some decals are home made.17
February 20, 201618
February 20, 201619
February 20, 2016MiG-29UB, 1/72, Kangnam. Mark my words: if you do ever cross with this brand, run for the hills!20
February 20, 2016As the kit is rubbish, and almost hopeless, I made many tests to expand my capabilities: all decals are home made, a completely new cocckpit tube and ejector seats were built, the landing lights are new and I've added some smaller extras.21
February 20, 2016A gift to my girlfried: Dewoitine D520, Hobbyboss, 1/7222
February 20, 201623
February 20, 2016MiG-21F-12, Academy, 1/72. Simple, easy to build. But cockpit was far too simple and theradio compartment was solid, instead of having a clear cover: this would be right for the Avia S-106, but not in this case.24
February 20, 2016First use of metalics(not good enough, but we do must start from som point, right?). Cockpit, wheelwells, radio bay and ejector seat are scratchbuild.25
February 20, 2016Nothrop F-5A Frredom Fighter, Hasegawa, 1/7226
February 20, 2016Almost OOB, but the decals are from one aircraft captured by NVA and sent to VVS to evaluation. The data collected lead soviets to develop the MiG-23. This aircraft is now in Czech Republic I believe.27
February 20, 2016McDonnell Douglas/Northrop YF-23, Italeri, 1/7228
February 20, 2016Saved from the trash, painted in a what if scheme: JASDF Hiko Kyodotai. Decals, are home made.29
February 20, 2016Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress, Minicraft. One of my first models. When I find her covered in dust, start to bring'er back to life in the RAF's Coastal Command colors. Decals home made and superior camouflage were brushed.30
February 20, 2016Scottish Aviation Bulldog, Airfix, 1/72. Before...31
February 20, 2016...and after its ressurrection.32
February 20, 201633
February 20, 2016North American P-51D, Revell, 1/72. One of the worst kits I've ever crossed. Honestly, I don't know why did not Revell upgraded the mouldings of a such iconic aircraft.34
February 20, 2016But that is it: bad kit = test bench. In this case, I've used this P-51 to start get used to chrome paint and automotive varnish.35
February 20, 2016Even the decals were too thin and gave me troubles...But at the end I like the results.36
February 20, 2016MiG-3, Hobbyboss, 1/72.A joy to build and excellent to forget about the P-51D37
February 20, 2016Almost al OOB, except the cockpit panel added, radio antenna and the landing gear external markers38
February 20, 2016When do you think in Alexandr Pokhrishkyn, the P-39 comes to mind, but his first fighter was this MiG.39
February 20, 2016McDonnell Dougles F-15E, Revell, 1/72. She came as an "extra" inside a Gulf War aircraft set and was presented to me.40
February 20, 2016Decals home made and conversions to a F-15SG41
February 20, 2016McDonnel Douglas F-15C Eagle, Revell, 1/72. Home made decals42
February 20, 2016Originally it come by parts in a magazine. This is a kit with serious issues and was left many years ago, but thi F-15E provided me with some parts I needed to replicate in resin: the landing gears and weaponry. The original decals were for a saudi eagle.43
February 20, 2016Soko SA-2 Gazelle(originally, an Aérospatiale from Airfix, 1/72)44
February 20, 2016Home made decals, gun/rocket pods and some antennae are from scratch45
February 20, 2016Macchi C.200 Saetta Revell 1/7246
February 20, 2016Some details added to cockpit and wheels wells. The hardest was the paintjob and handling the soft plastic.47
February 20, 2016Grumman F-14A Tomcat Academy, 1/48. Very good cost-benefit!48
February 20, 2016I believe this one was the first Tomcat from Academy and have some flaws in the decal sheet(fewer stencils than should). In other aspects, a sweet build, that my client liked a lot.49
February 20, 2016Convair F-106A Delta Dart, Revell-Monogram, 1/48. Good to build.50
February 20, 2016One more client satisfied 🙂51
February 20, 2016Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb, Revell 1/72. Easy to build and paint, but there are some stencils missing according to references. But I would build more of them: maybe the next will have the maltese camo.52
February 20, 2016Hair to the antennae...lol53
August 9, 2017Very old PZL P-11 from Revell(1/72)54
August 9, 2017Given to me, there wasn't left almost anything to work with. So I did a long process of scratch building: one cylinder head, both main landing gears and their arms, the wings' supports, one of the propeller's blade, the windshield and the instrument panel55
August 9, 2017Republic P-47M Revell 1/7256
August 9, 2017Almost no headaches with this kit57
August 9, 2017First experience with AK Xtreme Metal58
August 9, 2017Hughes/McDonnell Douglas/Boeing AH-64D Apache Academy 1/4859
August 9, 2017Good kit. It was a shame that the first time I built it my lack of experience produced a so poor result. Thankfully, I could refurbish most of the chopper.60
August 9, 2017Wathering made with AK products and colors from Humbrol61
August 9, 2017Bell UH-1D Revell 1/7262
August 9, 2017Greek markings are homemade63
August 9, 2017Almost no problems, but the old original Hasegawa moulds are revealing the age in the form of lacking some details.64
August 9, 2017Painted with Hataka Hobby(very good paints)65
August 9, 2017Decals homemade to recreate an aircraft from 4th Mixed Recce/Attack Squadron(4ºEMRA) from Brazilian Air Force(FAB)66
August 9, 201767
January 19, 2018Transall C-160 1/72 Revell. Represents an aircraft from Squadron 2/64 "Anjou" from Armeé de l'Air68
January 19, 2018Details and a very hard time to get the landing gear alligned69
January 19, 2018Painted with Acrilex and Humbrol. Weathered(lightly) with AK Interactive70
January 19, 2018Very detailed cargo bay!71
January 19, 201872
May 8, 2018Grumman E-1 Tracer AEW GIIC 1/7273
May 8, 2018Hardly I'll cross a worse kit than this one. Even the radar's radome had to be built from scratch as the one that came was useless74
May 8, 201875
May 8, 2018The only part I like in this build which lasted 3 years was the engines. Even some decals could not be used.76
May 8, 201877
March 16, 2019Arado Ar-240C278
March 16, 2019Painted with AK+Hataka79
March 16, 2019Paint scheme based in a Me-41080
March 16, 2019Swastikas painted with masks.81
March 17, 2019F-16MLU 1/72 KLu "Diana" Italeri82
March 17, 201983
March 17, 2019Almost no weapons as it was used for demonstration84
March 17, 2019The decal had a problem: the italians covered Diana's breast and I painted it again, because the way Italeri depicted is wrong(but politically correct)85
January 10, 2020Me-109E4 Academy 1/7286
January 10, 2020Easy to build, OOB. Decals need attention and it brings no swastika...87
January 10, 2020F-14A Tomcat 1/4888
January 10, 202089
January 10, 2020Built for a customer.90
January 10, 2020F-15C IDF-AF 1/48 Italeri91
January 10, 202092
January 10, 2020Built for a customer.93
January 10, 2020PANAVIA Tornado F.3 Italeri94
January 10, 2020Started this kit 5 or more years ago. I've found it in my dusty "pile of shame" and the time came to finish it.95
January 10, 2020OOB. I believe it was the last 1/48 I bought to myself.96
January 10, 2020Consolidated PB4Y-2 Revell 1/7297
January 10, 2020Old but interesting. Some fitting issues. Built for a customer.98
January 10, 202099
April 17, 2020Time for Luftwaffe: Focke-Wulf FW-190D9 1/72 Academy100
April 17, 2020Kit 97% OOB(only the ReVi16 gun sight and seat harnesseswere added)101
April 17, 2020Painted and weathered with AK Interactive products only102
April 17, 2020This is a joy to build.103
April 17, 2020104
April 17, 2020The decals were adapted from AZ FW-190D9 Early box-art
1 16 February 2016, 21:44

Thank you for your kind words, Konrad. More stuff is coming for this year!
12 January 2020, 18:13

Hey, Guy! Thank you! I hope you like the new projects!
12 January 2020, 18:14

Regarding the Tiger (F-5) - couple of them were captured and transferred to USSR, one of them can be seen in the Aviation Museum in Kraków, Poland
Another one is indeed in Kbely Museum, close to Praha, Czechia.
12 January 2020, 20:11
Album info
All aircrafts I've built so far.