Building Progress
1 April 2016, 00:44

Very dissapointed by the canopy. Scratches, very thick, not clear at all. Also there are giant gaps, which aren´t even symetical on both sides. And that´s for both canopy types in the kit. :\
6 April 2016, 09:24

these revel 190 kits are pretty good, but the canopy is horrible, i've made the experiene myself
7 February 2017, 20:43

The ones i got in the second kit are okay at least. If revell would update the canopies, the kits would be awesome, especially for the price.
7 February 2017, 21:06

Might be best to look for a vac-form replacement rather than spoil a good build. Or you could make your own.....
20 February 2017, 09:58

Yeah, i already read some articles on vac-forms. However i have so much to improve yet, that i feel this something i will not do any time soon. Buying one on the other hand... I´m tempted. 🙂
20 February 2017, 19:38

I like your idea of painting the bottle caps. It makes looking for the right colour so much easier.
20 June 2017, 22:17

Thank you for your kind comments! @Patrick it really does. I store them in a box, so if i didn't paint the caps, i would have to take them out one by one, till i find the color i'm looking for.
21 June 2017, 06:24

🙂 I know exactly what you mean... Untill now I'm also taking them out my box one by one...
21 June 2017, 08:12