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Mitja Oberc (wild0ne986)

K-141 Kursk - Oscar-II Class Submarine

Photo 1 of 5


1 23 May 2016, 08:53
Hanno Kleinecke
Looking great, subtle weathering, beautifully presented !
 23 May 2016, 08:58
Nice Work 👍
 23 May 2016, 12:58
Bernhard Schrock
Very well done "korablj", Mitja!
 23 May 2016, 13:08
👍 👍
 23 May 2016, 14:34
Sebastijan Videc
top job!
 23 May 2016, 17:19
Christian Bruer
Very good work and presentation 👍
 23 May 2016, 19:08
Kurt Reichert
Just perfect!
 23 May 2016, 19:24
Mike Grant
Very nice! 👍
 23 May 2016, 19:56
Mitja Oberc kirjailija
Thank you 😄
 24 May 2016, 20:59
Mark Davey
Great looking Sub 🙂
 24 May 2016, 21:23
Ulf Petersen
Excellent model, Mitja!👍
A worthy way of honouring the Kursk crew...
 25 May 2016, 06:14
Mitja Oberc kirjailija
Thank you Ulf and Mark 🙂.
God bless them all....
 25 May 2016, 10:16
Christian Ristits
Wow, this is spectacular!
 25 May 2016, 17:59
I wonder: How was the nameplate weathered? Did you basically make it rust and then sand away the top surface to get the shine back?
 14 October 2018, 10:40
Mitja Oberc kirjailija
Nameplate was painted in enamel black (without primer). Next day I've gently polished it with polish sponge
 15 October 2018, 10:07
Murad ÖZER
Killer build!😎
 15 October 2018, 10:17
Very nice ! 🙂
 15 October 2018, 12:20

Project info

5 kuvien
1:350 SSGN Oscar II Class Kursk (HobbyBoss 83521)

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