Workshop III

Medium term, it needs the current TV from the lounge when it gets an upgrade, an upgrade to my old pc to bring it up to World Of Warships specs and loads of posters and pics I have need to go up. Then it will be complete 😄
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Very disorganised but I can actually build some models now! Painting is on hold as the spray cabinet exhaust will have to go through a hole in the window - cash required 🙁
Original post -
New house is finally getting it's workshop.
Everything is covered in sawdust from all the flooring that got cut up in there and we've lost the brush hoover attachment - no airbrushing until that's sorted.
The breakfast boards, shelves and supports are over 16 years old and came with me from England when I moved to NL 6 years ago and it's the third time they've been used. One fly in the ointment is I lost over a metre of worktop to fit it into the one side of the room - I had always gone with a worktop on both sides of the room before. C'est la vie. Still got over 4.5m.