1 27 October 2016, 14:16

Thanks Erik.
Waiting for the pitot tube by master and Aires seat with a pilot. That should spice it up a little bit.
16 November 2016, 15:25

I have used the pitot tubes from Master myself too and they are really an improvement. Take care when assembling it since it has a very fine resin piece you have to glue between 2 metal pieces.
17 November 2016, 08:11

Sorry for interrupting, but isn't it the Egyptian flag on the tail?
17 November 2016, 11:31

It was the flag of Syria in the Federation of Arab Republics. Egypt also was a member. The yellow eagle symbol inside the white has something to do with the tribe of the Prophet if I am correct. It lasted between 1972 and 1980.
17 November 2016, 12:18

Thanks for clarifying Erik, that is exactly the case regarding the flag. Only one correction; it is not the eagle of Sallahaddin (carried by Egypt) but the hawk of Quresh - doesn' t matter in this scale anyway, because they look similar...
Also you stated correct about the 72-80 period in the Arab federation. Which means no green stars in any way on the SyAAF jets flying in '73.
17 November 2016, 14:19

Thanks for the clarification guys, good to know, I just expected the two green stars instead of an eagle 🙂
17 November 2016, 19:38