RAF Mustang III
Photo 1 of 57
23 April 2017, 13:56

Front seat please! 👍
What marking are you planning to finish it in?
25 April 2017, 21:05

One on the box. 316 Sqn. Need to add the white stripes on the wings though. The Tamiya scheme does not have them, but when I look at all the photos on the internet like the one on the Project picture RAF Mustang III's all seem to have them.
25 April 2017, 21:14

Ok, I see.
But I guesss he white bands are quite easy to mask off and paint?
25 April 2017, 21:23

Should be, will do them and the leading edges along with the tail band before I put the main camo on. Mask them and paint the camo and underside colours
25 April 2017, 21:28

Sounds good 👍
Following with interest, also because I just bought this kit myself😉
26 April 2017, 07:32

Nice start, Dan. I plan on doing a Mk.III of 65 Sqn. Some of the profiles I have seen have wing stripes, some don't. Hard to tell from the reference pics I have but I am going to add them.
26 April 2017, 13:59

Very good start Dan. Cockpit looks fantastic. I alway like it when the kit cockpit is reasonably detailed, with some detail painting and washing it always looks much nicer than with PE imho.
30 April 2017, 07:59

That's a great looking cockpit indeed! 👍
And you're a real fan of PE aren't you Erik!?😉
I mostly try to add both, but sometimes leaving out some of the PE bits.
In the end, if I have to choose between resin and PE, my choice would always be resin.
30 April 2017, 08:36

Wanted to do this OOB because it is such a great kit. The only thing I cannot stand is seatbelt decals. Have some generic Eduard WW2 RAF/USAF ones i will cut down and add to the seat. I am doing the bubble canopy so it will be closed, so not that important.
30 April 2017, 10:14

Looking very nice. I have never built a Tamiya P-51, I have a "D" in the stash.
2 May 2017, 20:31

Lovely kits. I have a few Tamiya 1:48's in the stash. Fancy something a bit more modern though.
2 May 2017, 21:15

I love Tomcats. I am on a quest to build one from every squadron that flew them.
2 May 2017, 22:33

Well i am on the fence with a mustang, either this or the usaaf one, both are attractive - watchüng this build with interest Dan, looking great so far. Without a pilot the seat belt is a must by the looks of it.
3 May 2017, 00:13

Prefer the RAF one as the canopy provides a little bit more interest. The mustang b I find ugly around the canopy area.
3 May 2017, 06:46

No just so thick. Just ordered some MR SETTER/SOFTNER apparently they are designed for the thicker Japanese decal. Have a load of Hasegawa and Tamiya kits so will give them a go. Micro sol has softened them a little but, still need a little more. Mr Softner is hotter than other decal solutions and is meant to sort these thick decals out. So going to stop and wait for that. Put some on the decals I have already put down and finish the job with it. They have just not settled into the details on the plane like they normally would, hoping the hot Mr S will do the job. On Facebook groups I am in this is what people recommend and they say it works really well.
They have not settled as well as I would have liked with Micro sol. Usually that is the best thing since sliced bread. But that has been with Hobby Boss, Xtradecal and Cartograph decals which are far thinner. Never built a Tamiya plane before. I binned a Tamiya Impreza because the decals just broke on me in the past and have not done a car since!
Annoyed because this is my favorite part of modelling. Adding the decals makes the plane come alive. Once you start you cannot stop! So must be patient. Will work on another project I have plenty on the go. Just fallen in love with this Mustang!
12 July 2017, 07:06

It is looking very nice. I am building only my second Tamiya kit, a F4U-1 birdcage Corsair.
12 July 2017, 20:32

Agree with you Dan, Tamiya's decals s..k rocks. I am having a very hard time with the decals on the corsair. They just will not conform.
21 July 2017, 23:49

Started to use Mr Setter/Softner. Much better results. Still rubbish too thick. Hopefully a gloss coat will sort them out.
22 July 2017, 05:54

I hope so. I used so much Micro-S0l mine started to crinkle so had to leave them be.
23 July 2017, 01:40

Very nice build so far, Dan! I like RAF Mustangs very much!The Tamiya decals are mostly too thick. Or better said, many other manufracturers have thinner ones. But Tamiya decals are still way better than HobbyBoss decals!😢
3 August 2017, 15:17