Micro AT-AT Snow Globe Attempt
Photo 1 of 10
1 22 August 2017, 21:54

sorry about the duff photos, promise this will be sorted in due course,
a nice little kit is the Metal Earth rendition of the AT-AT, I reckon it's about 1/350th or so
stands at about 70mm tall
22 August 2017, 21:57

not something I've seen done in the modelling world, a bit cheesy but might be cool 🙂
need to get my airbrush station set up again though 🙂
22 August 2017, 22:45

Glad you like the idea chaps 🙂
I'm also thinking about using sea water to corrode the steel over time which might be an interesting effect 🙂
23 August 2017, 10:08

if the snow globe bit works out I'll do a video too ! 🙂
whilst whistling a mashup of the Imperial March and Winter Wonderland for the music 😉 😄
23 August 2017, 11:22

That's the first paints down, primer, black and white,
going to do some brown fades and then complete the preshading with black panel lines and dry brushing white onto the edges
24 August 2017, 14:12

Did you just use the metal tabs to keep this together or did you solder it together for strength?
24 August 2017, 15:23

Wow, this is some really nice work with all the tiny PE. It seems to me a lot of parts has to be bent and the curvature feets are a challenge from my experience with other PE parts. Very nice and clean work Choppa 👍
24 August 2017, 15:57

Ah glad you dropped by Christian, I was thinking of you as I put it together given this is pretty much the smallest scale I've worked on 😄
Luckily I have enough round things to suit the diameters required,
bending things in the right order is important 😉
Compared to your PE works this is like Lego really but it was a fun build 😄
Dave, yep just the metal tabs, would need a fine needle to solder this together, beyond me,
once it's all boxed up so to speak it becomes quite sturdy 🙂
Acki, of all the Metal Earth Kits I think this one looks the best and most accurate,
it makes me want to go and get a few more for some table top wargaming 🙂
24 August 2017, 16:33

......... Actually, it's going to end up inside a bottle Martin 😄
glad you like it though 🙂
24 August 2017, 16:56

Hah, hah....this is a REALLY good idea Choppa! Going to look freak'n awesome!
24 August 2017, 17:49

I'm surprised no one else has done a Hoth inspired snow globe before,
it's about time the world had one !!! 😄 🙂
24 August 2017, 18:57

already have one but this is an amazing idea. Well defintely grab some directly from China and build such a dio. thx
24 August 2017, 21:36

This should be very interesting indeed! Another thing for you to figure out how to mass produce. 😉
i have the Optimus Prime PE kit. Perhaps I will give painting it a go whenever I get around to it.
25 August 2017, 00:09

Patience Brad 😉 😄
Horatio, I look forward to seeing it 🙂
Don, haha I reckon not for this one 😉
I rather like the whole PE model thing, hope you get round to yours 🙂
Anyhow, I reckon that's the preshading done, time for a few light coats of RAF medium sea grey 🙂
A little untidy but I reckon once the pin wash goes on it will look a lot tidier.
Also like to do some streaking grime on this one, be rude not to 😄
I'm thinking rattle can plasticoat clear gloss for the water proofing coat, any thoughts ?
Oh yeah, got my camera going again 😄
25 August 2017, 02:54

it's very nice to see one of these being painted... nice work too with that so far...
25 August 2017, 13:15

Most cool, Choppa. I think the plasticoat will do the trick just make sure you get every crack and crevice.
25 August 2017, 13:29

Cheers chaps 🙂
Well that's the base colours and clear coat sorted, drying time and then it's the enamels 🙂
A touch on the subtle side I feel, wish I had given it that last mist coat, ah well 🙂
25 August 2017, 18:38

That comes out really nice. If it is close to scale 1/350 you should add some figures - I can highly recommend NortStarModels 😉
25 August 2017, 18:48

Haha Christian, you tease ! 😄
I don't think I'm up to attempting figures at this scale,
my eyes are going crossed eyed just thinking about it lol 😄
The closest I could find to a dimension was "over 20metres tall", ok call it 21 metres tall ?
which makes this model 1/300, close enough for those 1/350 figures.
My plan was to scratch a 1/300th Snowspeeder doing the wire round the legs move and position the AT AT the moment it's about to topple over, I may add a second Snowspeeder though, I've got the Revell 1/50 Snowspeeder and I can divide by 6 reasonably well 😄
I think the way I'm going to make the Snowspeeder is to make a wooden plug and vac form the top in one hit and an under neath, add the guns, good enough 🙂
25 August 2017, 19:18

You can't say you're not up before you give it a try😉
That sounds a good idea - I'm looking forward to it🙂
25 August 2017, 19:24

How about this Christian,
I may attempt to scratch build some 1/300th figures from wire and thick super glue 😄
I reckon 6mm's tall would be about right ?
how small !!!!?!???!?!?!?!?!?
25 August 2017, 19:29

Anyhow my hope is that the pin wash will help it pop and tighten up some errant painting 🙂
and then it's ... streaking grime ! 😄
25 August 2017, 19:36

......... The Morning After ..... thoughts ...........
looks a little cartoony at the moment, which I don't mind too much 🙂
those serrated holes look huge on a photo twice actual size !
could have done something about those seems .......
but looking at it on the desk they're not very noticeable at all, plus it's a quick build and I wanted to keep it simple 🙂
Lastly, I feel I should have used a slightly darker grey, ah well,
I thought about doing some post shading but don't want to over do it so onwards regardless
once in the snow globe it'll be fine 😄
26 August 2017, 09:20

pin wash and some modest streaking, too subtle for my camera I reckon 🙂
next I want to get some streaking grime and rust going on, tricky ....
Whilst contemplating streaking I've also been thinking about how I might scratch build a 1/300 snowspeeder ...
Handily I have the Revell 1/50th kit so it's measure and divide by 6 to get 1/300 which puts it at 15mm wingspan !! 😮 😠
Turns out the upper surface can be described from a flat sheet cut & scored correctly it folds into the correct shape quite easily, very handy 😄
at this scale the under side can be done with a flat sheet, canopy from a bit of clear sprue shaped to the canopy,
grill at the back is the tricky bit I reckon.......
31 August 2017, 11:19

@ Taarna.... ""I think the plasticoat will do the trick just make sure you get every crack and crevice.""
No crevice left "behind" ......
haha 😄 😄 😄 😄
good advice though 🙂
31 August 2017, 11:28

Crevice, behind.... ha! 🙂 I saw what you did there. 😄 15mm Snowspeeders? Sounds like the ones from the Battle for Hoth kit. hmmmmmm
31 August 2017, 19:09

Cheers all 🙂
Taarna, I like to 'crack' a joke when I can 😉 😄
James cheers, not quite what I would call awesome as yet 😉 😄
but if I can get the streaks done well then I'll consider it a step closer 🙂
31 August 2017, 21:54

Do you mean this kit Taarna ?
it's 1:156 scale which is about double the size of my dio 🙂
31 August 2017, 21:59

Just FYI, I'm desperately scouring this build to find some mistake or imperfection so I can say "Well, you know Choppa..."
I haven't found one yet, but I'll keep you posted... 😉
31 August 2017, 22:18

haha, in the mood for a little vengance hey Greg ? lol 😄
there are a number of minor niggles that have crept in such as I regret not filling in the holes etc.
but hey 🙂
If you do spot anything wrong though Greg be sure to point it out in as explicitly and as comprehensively as you can please, how ever minor 🙂
31 August 2017, 22:23

Heh, did you see my post where I called you the Jiminy Cricket of Scalemates? You don't just tell us what we want to hear... you tell us what we need to hear. I just want to return the favour is all... 😛
31 August 2017, 23:28

haha, yeah I've always been a straight talker, my career in diplomacy was very brief 😉 😄
I'll have to make sure to do something poorly especially for you ! lol 😄 😄 😄
which won't be too long, probably 😄
31 August 2017, 23:57

I am just sitting back in the wings. Awaiting my opportunity. I mean, he cant be perfect ALL the flipping time. 😉
1 September 2017, 02:50

Choppa, yes, that's the kit. If I had one I would measure it to be sure. I could swear that the snowspeeders were no larger than 15mm or 20mm wide at most.
1 September 2017, 16:36

It's quite possible, one mans 1/156 is another mans 1/300 🙂
Makes me think of certain 1/48 kits with figures that look much more like 1/72
"I mean, he cant be perfect ALL the flipping time. 😉"
Don, I had no idea you held me in such high regard !
what a lovely compliment 🙂
(I don't care if it was meant as an insult, I'm taking it as massive compliment haha 😄 😄 😄 )
1 September 2017, 17:05
Album info
A recent birthday gift from my bro, the Metal Earth AT-AT
which is quite small but very dinky, I like it 🙂
and the panel lines look like they would take a wash too,
So the idea here is to paint this Micro AT-AT up and weather it down,
knock up a wee Snow Speeder doing the wire round the legs thing,
put it on a snowy base, find a suitable bottle and water proof the living fark out of all of it,
then add some "snow flakes" (white glitter) and water (plus a thickener of some kind)
And then give it a shake and then watch it whilst whistling a mashup of Winter Wonderland and the Imperial March 😄 😄 😄